On a _____day ,we can play outside,有这2个词:snowy,storm到底选谁呢?选一个得罪几个!╮(╯▽╰)╭

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 06:15:17
xPNPԤu/ BƔHĔG D(&&i/8aÊwsg23rѳs]re,AlwUeRe5O҉d6Ǥ3-+PE/;<4G5Ux܅mPbiyS\ltS\₽HEd G@AJۛxXBn>J*7v}i 8X'ڴ= Phu@ m`?`Cϊ[Bhxx|G8n&T.J%+58a#i.EM -7`bB>RrPcNV] բ Kq+LGYSvOy~;aT{w?q
On a _____day ,we can play outside,有这2个词:snowy,storm到底选谁呢?选一个得罪几个!╮(╯▽╰)╭ It is a beautiful _____day (sun) 完形填空.(每空一词)Hello,Kate.It 's a beautiful day,isn't it?Yes,what a _____day!Ann and I ______go on an outing this afternoon.Would you like to go ______me?I'd love ____.Thanks a ______._______and ________shall we meet?Let'meet _____3:00 at What a _____day!The_____is shining.(sun,sunny)理由 _____Day is on September 10th 1,teacher's. 2_____Day is on September 10th1,teacher's. 2,teachers' 3teacher 用下列单词的正确形式填空 hot feel snow1.how are you___now?2.it is very____in july in nanjing 3.we call it a _____day when it is snowing heavily He had never spent a more _____day before.A:excite B:excited C:exciting D:excites 英语翻译The children are all looking _______ _______ a great day _____ ______ _____Day. It's _____day of school.A.the first B.first C.one D.second 几道英语选择题目1.Could you_______these books to the classroom A.put B.take C.bring D.make 2.Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?I’m afraid _____day is possibal.A.neither B.either C.some D.any3.I'm sorry to keep you waiting.Oh,not at all.I___ Scott spent the _____day _______with his grandpa A all fishing B.all to fish C.whole fishingScott spent the _____day _______with his grandpaA all fishing B.all to fish C.whole fishing D.whole to fish We can see ___ full moon on the evening of August ___15th every year A.the;a B.a;a Ca;the D.the;the答案解析中说表星体的名词被形容词修饰,可与不定冠词连用 We have a PE lesson on F_____ we will go on a trip.翻译 We have a ____meal on Spring Festival. we can take a vote on issues. we should take a c_____ when we go on vacation On monday we weny to a restaurant.We ate