millie was too shy to____ ________ _____a song for us at the party米莉太害羞,没同意在聚会上为我们唱一首歌 是不是少一条横线

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 22:00:54
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millie was too shy to____ ________ _____a song for us at the party米莉太害羞,没同意在聚会上为我们唱一首歌 是不是少一条横线 改错when it was my turn.i felt too shy that i didn't dare to say anything before the class. Yesterday I went to school by my bike .At the crossing 76­­ a truck was moving too fast that the driver couldn’t 77 Control ,and it knocked me off my bike.My bike was broken 78 and I was badly hurt.But the truck driver drove away ,left 79 m I was too shy to talk to anyone.=I wasn't relaxed ______ _______ talk to anyone.There were no forks on the table=there were _____ _____ forks on the table. millie was born in 1996.i was born in 1996,too.改为同义句(用as...as回答) Don't be shy don't () [be] shy. 能帮我解释一段英语么?Happy,belongs to me?­Happy,belongs to me?­­A long time,there is no happiness before.­Isn't because of does not have,but is afraid touches.­­Perhaps,some people should say:`you too unreasoning pas too to结构的练习Millie was too _____ to work out the problem.A.careful B.careless C.carefully D.carelessly Don't Be Shy 歌词 Lucy couldn't find her puppy . She was so____at that time. A.happy B.shy C.brave D. worried Alice was ( )girl to express her feelings to the man she lost her heart to.A.a much too shy 有一首歌:歌词有一句:Baby don't be shy shy,don't be shy shy,to the left ,to the right . The little girl was too t to say anything SHY Don't ______ .A.shy be shy shy shyWhy? ---Why doesn't Millie like basktball?---Because she is______to reach the basket.A not enough tall B too tall C not tall enough D quite tall Many student don't like joining school plays . Some think They are too shy······完形填空