"to what extent”起始的问句应该怎样回答?例如:To want extent can you be confident that the world inside your mind is the real world you share with humanity?我不是要这个问题的看法或者具体答案,我只是想知道怎么回

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 03:20:19
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to what extent”起始的问句应该怎样回答?例如:To want extent can you be confident that the world inside your mind is the real world you share with humanity?我不是要这个问题的看法或者具体答案,我只是想知道怎么回 求讨论to what extent is grammar important to english learning的文章, 快餐已经成为饮食文化的一部分到什么程度?to what extent is this true to what extent do you agree?to what extent do you agree do you agree or disagree?do you agree to what extent do you agree?to waht extent do you agree or disagree?do you agree or disagree?这三个的区别和回答作文结构给我讲讲可以么? to what extent是一个固定搭配吗? 这个题目的隐身意思是什么Advertising is making people look the same.To what extent do you agree? to what extent do you agree or disagree雅思作这样的题目,同意个不同意都要写吗 to what extent is arriving at a consensus important in your culture in the business practices 不会的不要回答. 雅思写作题干中出现To what extent,并且还有what measures can be taken时,结构是怎样的分几段,每段写什么 这题作文应该怎样写?To what extent is nuclear technology a danger to life on Earth?What are the benefits and risks associated with its use?我好奇的是第一个问题不是在问现在核武为地球带来的威胁吗?可是第二个问题 to the extent 和 to the point of的区别? to the extent是什么意思 to what extent is regional economic intergration a logical responce to the process of globalisation麻烦大家帮我准确的翻译一下意思, to what extent do you think your own answers to these questions were ethnocentric是什么意思? To what extent does job impact moving to SIP?翻译!记得要通顺! to some extent的意思及造句是? 雅思to what extent do you think advantage outweigh disadvantage这类作文怎么写 结构 正方反方的分配 如何辩论 雅思写作里的to what extent do you agree or disagree和do you agree or disagree答起来一样吗?