the old man has two sons here and he has( )in the united statesA.another B.other C.the other D.the others请问选什么,为什么?还是不明白D怎么不能理解呢?这个男人有两个儿子在这,其余的儿子在美国!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 12:44:22
xV[OG+JiQ*"U&R>x[]]mI16N8l ĀC; P[K+-fg9e3=&F"!IfWHH |D>V5¥j*ab!S1Ƃ!Mn|J>~nxo-ҎE[3lYiP;roܱ{s io%{us'v*ԮaAU8fY`=ͳEwnt"> g!~_~d.cKދ[kԆ=qv;og0^c^0|=r?<cl}[h1>4T-|FU'g7Iı z.c%[w~uޙ_voc!yW JQ#Ya# 'uI_kAY9u珩V`;uS`g! 0 Y裝,5, t; z{2HG.OՙAj6_#9O a$74pYێ؂O%]SuXbz CY"qLZ >"JIqTֹUCIUT4֓(j#n"̾撴 Wy7,i0pP].X:w4mm&Y A~kGr ŷakq
the old man has two dogs (否) the old man has two children, a son a ________ 这个老人已经死了2年了.The old man has( )( )for two years.( )two years( )the old man died. The old man has poor____. The old man has two sons,____are lawyers A bothThe old man has two sons,____are lawyersA both of themB both of whom 解析下 the old man has three sons,two of ___areworking in the hospital是填WHO The old man has two sons,both of who are lawyers翻译 The old man has two sons,both of ( )are working abroad.Athem,B whom The old man has two sons,both of who are awlayers翻译 the old man has two is a worker;_____ is a teacher.he old man has two is a worker;_____ is a teacher.a.another b.the other为什么不是A?那another 也是‘另一个’ The old man has two sons,__are lawyers.A.both of them B.both of whom,选A还是B The old man has two sons,_is a soldier.A.neither of whom B.none of whom 选什么 为什么? He has two daughters、 but____was willing to nurse the sick old man.A、eitherB、neitherC、bothD、all The old man has two ().A.son-in-law B.sons-in-law C.son-in-lows 是the old man has a five years old grandson还是the old man has a five-year-old grandson? the old man has two daughters,______are nurses.A.two of whomB.both of whom C.all of whomD.neither of whom情说明下原因!谢拉! 1.A.The old man has two sons.Both of them are lawyers.B.The osd man has two sons,( ) ( ) ( )are lawyers.2.A.Have you heard of an animal called kangaroo?B.Have you heard of an animal( ) ( ) ( ) ( the old man has nothing =the old man— —