英文became,become ,becomes有什么区别?怎么用法?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 16:15:43
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一个英文问题:--My wish is___an artist.--Really?___an artist is also my dream.A.become ,Be B.becoming,BeC.to become,To be D.became,To be是单项选择 英文became,become ,becomes有什么区别?怎么用法? 初二一道英语练习题不会做,-My wish is _____ an artist.-Really?______an artist is also my dream.A.become,Be.B.becoming,BeC.to become,To beD.became,To be选哪个?为什么?^.^ 是have become还是 have became 英语翻译became可以改成become吗?为什么? 为什么是have become 而不是have became? had become 和 had became 的区别?还是没有had became,只有had become 和 became 这两种说法呢? BEC中级里的two become 几道预备年级的英文题Some heavy objects ___on cars in the street.He___ a teacher three years ago.Our h___is collecting stamps.第二题 选择 become becomes became has become 试题:You should have put the milk in the ice-box; I expect it ____undrinkable by now.试题:You should have put the milk in the ice-box; I expect it ____undrinkable by now.A.became B.has become C.had become D.becomes为什么这里不能用 bec Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face 中become是不是应该用became 不是过去时吗 为什么是become 不是 became?When did you become a housewife? How did he become an actor?这句中become为什么不是became? E-books ( )very popular since they came into being A become B have become C had become D became soon you [ ]a senior high school student.isn't it exciting!a become bwill become c became d have become. it is four years since i an english teachera become b became c becomes d have became说下为什么 简单的英语选择填空( ) When I --- a teacher,I ---22years old.A become,was B became,were C became,was D become,were说出英语语法, 书上有句话:This has become the model of a successful life.句中的become为什么不是became