请问下大家下面那个with which的用法Over the last 40 years there has been a great increase not only in the number of agricultural pesticides in use but also in the care and sophistication with which they are used by farmers.一直看不懂

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 06:43:28
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请问下大家下面那个with which的用法Over the last 40 years there has been a great increase not only in the number of agricultural pesticides in use but also in the care and sophistication with which they are used by farmers.一直看不懂 下面那个句子中的with which 的with 是什么用法,表达什么含义?it is unusual for a seller to be able to find a unique selling point or a competitive advantage with which to convince the customer . 请问on which,by which,to which,from which,in which,with which,in which,for which,of which的区 请问下本田CRV绿色键下面的那个按钮是什么意思 请问这题咋做?最下面的那个 那个with后面能加句子吗?谁能解释下这个句子的with后面是怎么回事?However,with age comes a greater variety of life experiences,which gives the one wisdom and ability to see something in perspective. 请问下大家.....有会的人说下嘛, 请问下大家.....有人了解的说下吧, 请问下夏下面的字是什么 of which /in which / with which /for which 的用法 请问大家那个牌子的电子地磅质量比较好? 请问大家郭敬明和饶雪漫那个的文章好? 请问开关下面那个是什么? 请问下唐代大诗人李白经常饮酒赋诗,下面这道题《李白买酒...有谁了解的告诉下哟,谢谢大家1e 请问最下面那个名字中间的字怎么读 请问下面这个图是那个动漫里的, 请问像点啊,然啊下面的那个四点底咋打? 请问下面地形图里面的那个小圆圈代表什么?