A serious accident ( ) her and she was badly hurt

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 16:07:55
Her uncle was _(serious) hurt in a traffic accident. A serious accident ( ) her and she was badly hurt He was ____ injured in a trattic accident.(serious) 每空填一词,使上下两句话的意思相同或相近There was a serious accident yesterday.Luckily,nobody died.Luckily,there were___ ____in the serious accident yesterday accident .The accident caused some _______to my car,but it's nothing serious.  A.harmB.injuryC.ruinD.damage This traffic accident had serious c(). 英语试题,I haste to tellyou that your son is not badly hurt,although it was a serious accident. The accident caused some____to my car,but it is nothing serious.A.harm.B.injury.C.ruin.D.damage. The passenger was ______ hurt in the traffic accident.(serious) 英语翻译Myth Number One:It‘s best to be“thrown clear”of a serious accident.Truth:Sorry,but any accident serious enough to “throw you clear”is also going to be serious enough to give you a very bad landing.And chances are you’ll have t It was not a serious accident; the car needs only some ____ repairs.A.major B.secondary C.minor D.primary After the serious accident,many complaints about the traffic lights 空.A.poured out B.poured in C.poured into D.poured out of sat 一道语法题~Airport runways must be constantly swept constantly clear of trash and other debris that could be sucked into a jet-engine (intake or it could cause a serious accident.)(A) intake or it could cause a serious accident(B) intake,t on a serious Facing the accident,he thought it was so serious a matter that he had no choice but( ) the pFacing the accident,he thought it was so serious a matter that he had no choice but( ) the police.A.called in B.calling in C.call in D.to call in 帮忙看一下英语句子 He was in a very serious car accident whose cervical gets hurt badlyHe was in a very serious car accident whose cervical gets hurt badly 这个句子对不对 我想写的是:他在一场严重的车祸中颈椎严重 使上下两句话意思相同或相近1、There was a serious accident yestday.Luckily,nobody died.Luckily,there were ________ _______ in the serious accident yestday.2、Tom sat at the front in order to be able to hear.Tom sat at the front _______ It wasn't a bad accident.The damage to the car wasn't serious.请问The damage to the car wasn't serious.能否替换成The damaged car wasn't serious.另外,damage to在句中是什么成分呢?有相关的例句最好了~