英语 帮忙看看这个句子的对错What do you missing of mine?有人说在想你可以这样问他吗你在想我的什么?1楼请问你回答的是我的问题吗…

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 00:03:38
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一个简单的英语句子...帮忙看看对错but she only has a a fly in the ointment ,there are some pocks in her face .这个句子有没有错误,如果没有,可以尽量修改的更好点 英语 帮忙看看这个句子的对错What do you missing of mine?有人说在想你可以这样问他吗你在想我的什么?1楼请问你回答的是我的问题吗… 麻烦帮忙看看下面的英语句子为什么选择Bit is important to realize what kind of person you are,which special qualities( )you outstanding among people and what you areinterested in.A.helps B.makes C.make D.help 帮忙分析一下这个句子的成分:A is to B what C is to D . 英语好的来帮我看看这个句子对不对.What did you do at five yesterday afternoon? 请帮忙看看这个复杂的英语句子Physics is the present-day equivalent of____used to be called natural philosophy from which most of the present-day sciences arose.应该填what ,which为什么不行?并帮忙翻译一下这个句子, 大家帮忙看看这个英语句子的句型是怎样的帮忙分析下.surprised to find himself intact in the accident,Tom 's spirits lift. 帮忙看看这几个英语句子对不对我可以用For what purpose is the daily talk given?这个句子问daily talk的目的是什么?那Do you think the purpose of this daily talk is to tell you not to watch Super girl?这个句子对吗?stand 帮忙解释这个英语句子的结构,感觉有错误What can be done endorsement of the transfer? 麻烦看看这个英语句子resigned from the company neither because i was ill nor because i felt the salary was too low.这个句子的主语是什么啊.帮忙从句子结构上给分析分析 判断句子的对错 各位英语达人帮忙看看这个英语句子could i be so bold as to ask you for a dance. 这个句子中的be 的是怎么用的啊,求解答.谢谢了 帮我看看这句英语的对错.句子:Your famliy is still at home and waiting for you to come back. 帮忙看看这个英语句子对不对,They just slept and slept,waiting for a huge stone falling and doing nothing. 请大家帮忙看看这个英语句子I simply don't know what to put down on the paper and to make things worse.我只是不知道该写什么,把问题弄的很糟糕 两个用and连接的不定式to在意思上不是并列关系吧?它们不都 请大家帮忙看看这个英语句子I simply don't know what to put down on the paper and to make things worse.我只是不知道该写什么,把问题弄的很糟糕两个用and连接的不定式to在意思上不是并列关系吧?它们不都是 帮忙看看这个金澳锆英粉,咋样的呢? 帮忙看看这个函数的作用是什么?