Would you like__(chat)with me?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 16:38:58
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Would you like__(chat)with me? Would you like__(go)to the zoo with my family tomorrow?用所给单词的适当形式填空 there isn't ___(some)tea now .would you like__(some)juice let her___(go)and__(play)volleyball there I know you like noodles,but what would you like__?--MuttonA on them B on it C for it D under it I like__(帮助别人)She likes__(放风筝)He likes__(制作东西)We like__(说英语)Do you like__喝牛 I like__(帮助别人)She likes__(放风筝)He likes__(制作东西)We like__(说英语)Do you like__喝牛填写 __you __(be)there before?Yes,twice..Would you like__(go)with me?Sorry,I'm busy__(plant) trees.He__(drink)tonn much.Let's__(take) him to hospital.求索用到的语法,好的会采纳的,急. 用适当的形式填空1.Jenny would like__[talk]with LI MING onthe phone2.Li Ming's mother often __[make]dumplings on Sunday evening3.__[thank]for you help4.There are many __[child] playing in the park6.Would you like __[一些鱼]?7.I heve__[13跟 -When can we come to visit you?-Anything you feel like__为什么填it 1.There's a__(write)desk.2.I would like__(play) volleyball.3.My sister is tall,what about __(you)?4.__everyone like the tea?A.Do B.Does C.Can D.Are4.Can you tell me how__(write)?5.I'm reading a letter__my friend.A.of B.for C.from D.to6.Do you have an You summer holiday sounds great.It sounds like__ __ __ __ __.5个横线 __they need bring their photos to school(do) Do you like__(play)basketball? 用所给动词适当形式填空.do you like__(potato)? 用动词的适当形式填空:1.Joyce__(have) a bath now.She always__(have) a bath in the morning.2.Can I__(drink) now?No,you will__(drink) after__(run).3.Would you like__(join) the__(swim) club.Sure,I'd__(love) to.Will Kitty__(come) too?4.Loo 英语翻译2.Can I_(drink) now?No,you will__(drink) after__(run).3.Would you like__(join) the__(swim) club.Sure,I'd__(love) to .Will Kitty__(come) too?4.__you___(live)in Baijing?Yes.5.Look at me .I___(climb) onto the door.Oh,don't__(climb).It's too 正确抄写 what are you doing tom im doing my homework in my bedroom二.用适当形式填空1.How___(do) the bananas__(feel)?They are smooth.2.Would you like__(join)us?Sure,I'd like to.3.The Wan___(watch) TV in the living room now.4.Let's__(make) 用所给词的正确时空太填空 1.__is my brother.__name is Jack.These pens are__.(he)2.Would you like__(try) on this jacket?3.How about__(go) for a picnic tomorrow?4.Could you please help Tom__(carry) the box?5.Don't__(tell) him about it in cla 英语翻译Thank you for registration.I am glad to register with a beautiful person like you.I want to talk variously,and to become it happily.My best regards.I would like to speak to you slowly.I do,WindowsMSN,Skype can be used.We would like to cha