It isn't__.a.your c.yours d.yous

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 20:04:07
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It isn't__.a.your c.yours d.yous Is that your brother?回答A.No,it isn't B.No,he isn't is this your computer game?A .yes its.B,no it isnt.C.yes,it isnt.急 is this your computer game?A .yes its.B,no it isnt.C.yes,it isnt. It isn’t().a.your c.yours d.your's's Is this_____pencil?No,it isn't.It's_____.A.your ,hers B.your ,mine C.his,his Is this your living room?() A.No,she isn't.B.yes,it is ( )is this your rubber no ,it isn t.( a ).hi ( b ).sorry (D).girl Is Bob your brother?,it isn',he isn',she isn't.选择哪个更恰当 为什么啊 …… is that your book?( ) a.that isn't that your book?( )a.that isn'tb.yes,it isn',it is( ).is this your ruler?a.excuse meb.sorryc.i'm sorryd.helloa:your watch is very nice.b:( ) isn'tb.yesc.thank youd.sorryis that ( )english dic whose bag is it?Is it ( )? No,it isn't ( ).A.your, me B.yours ,mine C.your,my D.your,mine is this your book?yes,() A.this is isis this your book?yes,()A.this is is isn't is this your eraser? ( ).it's my sharpenis this your eraser? ( ).it's my,it isn't.b.yes,it is. There is something wrong with your bike,_______?Yes,I'll have it __________tomorrow.A.isn't,mend B.isn't there,mended C.isn't it,mended D.isn't there,mend Is Kevin your cousin?A:yes,it is.B:No,it isn't C:yes,she is.D:No,he isn't Is Lu Lin your father?( )A.Yes,it is.B.No,it isn't.C.Yes,she is.D.No,he isn't. is that your ring?( )that's his ring?A,yes,it is B,it isn't C,yes,that is 填空 your shoes look beautiful( )A no,it isn't B thank you C is it