It's a poor excuse for what i 'm doing,But it'still ture,No matter how profect the day is,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 04:06:04
x),Q/VHT(/RHH.-NUH23K2sR3uJ\Ғ̜ҢT|Ē"rTJb"}Z_`gCs?ٌOvz>eųK_,_YħsV<ݹ';;jyys|B)mjh~>g>PBɎlZtʧKf=]|_~qAb;6`5tw@=ǣAh ˀdksO5=7(rg-Ov4<[$#
For i love you ,It's a poor excuse for what i 'm doing,But it'still ture,No matter how profect th It's a poor excuse for what i 'm doing,But it'still ture,No matter how profect the day is, It's a poor workman who quarrels with his tools 找出错的 Excuse me,is it a pencil?Yes,it's. Excuse me,what's the time? It's a q_____ to twelve. Excuse me?IS this your handbag?还有 pardon?It's a Peugeot? Excuse me._____ this you ____?____,thank you.It's a dictionary . 回答Excuse me.Is this a watch?( )me see.Oh,yes,it's ( ). It's bad ___to spit in public.A examples B manners C ways D excuse 找出错的 Excuse me,is is a pencil? Yes,it's. 重排下列句子,使其成为一段话A.yes,there is.B.No,it's not far.C.You're welcome.D.Is it far from her?E.Excuse me,is there a cinema near here?F.Thank you 重新排列下列句子的顺序,使其成为一段完整的对话.A.How do you spell it?B.No,it isn’t my ruler.C.Excuse me!What’s this in English?D.What color is it?E.Is that your ruler?F.It’s a ruler.G.Is that his ruler?H.Yes,it is.I.It’s 排列下列句子的顺序!A.Excuse me.Is this a bus?B.Thanks.Goodbye!C.What's this in English?D.O-R-A-N-G-E,orange.E.No,it isn't.F.It's a car.G.How do you spell orange?H.Is it a chinese car?I.Yes.And it's an orange car.J.Goodbye. 英文句子排序A:Excuse me.Is this a bus?B:Tanks.Goodbye.C:What's this in English?D:O-R-A-N-G-E,orange.E:NO,it isn't.F.It's a car.G.How do you spell orange?H.Is it a Chinese car?I.Yes.And it's an orange car.J:Goodbye. what's this in english .It's a ruler前面填什么 A.excuse me B.OK C.hello 将下列句子重新排列,使其变为一段完整的对话A It is a computer.B No,it isn't.C Excuse me .D How do you spell it E My computer is red.F What color is it?G COMPUTER.H What's this in Engish?I It's blue.J Is it your computer?H那个H 是 Excuse me._______is it now? It's twelve. A.When B.What time C.What D.What color Whose go is it next It's your go now .A turn B time C watch D excuse