请问问什麽不能说come to this way,please.这是一道改错题.come this way,please.可是我不知道为什么要去掉 to.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 09:25:12
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请问问什麽不能说come to this way,please.这是一道改错题.come this way,please.可是我不知道为什么要去掉 to. 请问问什么不能选D而选C呢?求详解,____seems no need to worry about the experiment this time.It is going to be a success.A、ItB、AsC、ThereD、That 1 i will come to bejing this summer vacation我今年暑假要去北京2 i will come to bejing in this summer vacation3 i will come to bejing in summer vacation 今天老师说只能用第一句~不能加in~为什么?2 .3句都不行 请翻译lt's a privilege,not a right to come to this extraordinary place. please come over to my house ( ) ( ) this question请顺便来我家讨论一下这个问题。 英语指示代词一题I want very much to buy this colour tv set,but I can't afford____.答案是it,请问问什么不能用that,this这里的意思我知是我不能接受(那)一台 You ( )to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A needn't to come B don'tneed come C don't need coming D needn't come 为什么不能选A How did it come to this How Did It Come To This 歌词 What does all this come down to The cloud___from the vapour.A come Bcomes Ccome to 请说一下相关的语法知识, where will you to come这句话有毛病没?他们有的说TO表示方向不可以省掉有的说WILL后跟动词原形 不能要TO... They enjoy_______(eat)by the window. My sister will ______(come)to ths school this afternoon麻烦说一下为什么 英语翻译为什么不能这样说 winter seems to set in early this year. 请高人来翻译句英语:Many people are saying this is a taste of things to come. come this Would you like to come to dinner this Sunday,Xiao Ming?A.I'd love to,but I have lots of things to do B.Oh,no.That'll be too tired C.I'll stay D.Yes,please 请说一下选择那个答案的原因.谢谢,谢谢!C那个地方后面还要加 come to dance this evening.与come dancing this evening.答案为后句.为什么?