PS:请写出为什么1.The poor man stood there,with his hands ____,____ his eyes upon the dark cave.A.crossed;fixing B.crossing;fixing C.crossed;fixed D.crossing;fixed2.The foreign friends you referred to ____ looking forward to ____ around our scho

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 09:17:24
xSOAWDIŋ1ģY)Pv٭6V(BV(X$!Y%J)$D.'miv7ċO/VZ۶^x{(MEL YILխ$J&Jf7SCbx (& #M hN}c9JLk ṇ>2=La`푔 JPK$(N`J"RJ Z9R14D2sIc/w:}> +T)ŢLjab%Й^U-=&REp\!X$S}Ğ<6D *(Mś<D†XD*U GGg_&TO/v`sJP_ ;F\ xnz-^uNY(ܨMO +c#pNĖQתMt!G8=8~CT AEd k2Dbf"@%[*ؚغ>y֚YEckClE|{@8K{?LV9Aw?u?K\ 0Omp.~Mb$~kM/O4X|LƄH6
PS:请写出为什么1.The poor man stood there,with his hands ____,____ his eyes upon the dark cave.A.crossed;fixing B.crossing;fixing C.crossed;fixed D.crossing;fixed2.The foreign friends you referred to ____ looking forward to ____ around our scho PS:请写出为什么1.Which do you enjoy ____ your weekend,walking in the wood or fishing by the lake?A.spending spend C.spent D.of spending the artist is poor,and poor he remaimed all his life为什么用and poor ,poor为什么在句首? The artist was born poor,____ poor he remained all his life.答案是and,为什么不能填so?请从语法角度分析 i don’t think the poor ——always poor,working hard ——very importantA is,isBare,areCare,is请帮忙解释为什么其他两项不可以 PS:请写出为什么1.____ the moring of April 15th,they finished reading the book.A.From B.At C.In D.On2.They did some cooking last night.(改为否定句)3.When did she first go to movies?(改为同义句)_____ ______ was she when the firs PS:请写出为什么1.They set off early the next morning in order to avoid ___ in the rush hours.A.catching catch C.being caught2.____,his idea was finally adopted by the manager.A.Strange as might it soundB.As it might sound strangeC.Strange PS:请写出为什么1.The storm that suddenly hit this city made ____ impossible for them to hold the games on B.him C.this D.that2.He didn't make ____ clear when and where the meeting would be held.A.this B.that D.these3._____ what y PS:请写出为什么1.Surprisingly,Susan ___ all the jokes she had heard at school by the time she got home.A.has forgotten B.had forgotten C.forgot2.To my great surprise,Tom looked quite different ____ I had which that C.from wha PS:请写出为什么1.Please make sure that the light ___ off before you leave the room.A.will turn B.will be turned turned D.turns2.I will try my best to finish it ____ it may mean to me.A.however B.whenever C.wichever D.whatever PS:请写出为什么1.The old scientist has made ___ in growing rice,which will ___ more people in the world.A.a breakthrough;feed onB.a breakthrough;feedC.a breakthrough;feed toD.breakthrough;feed with2.Is your house ___ now?-Yes,it ___ a half mont PS:请写出为什么1.The feeling is shared by many teachers _____ students can become independent learners.A.who B.that C.why D.how2.Much to the couple's comfort,their income is now double _____ it was five years ago.A.that B.than C.which D.what the investigators found that more should be done for ------------in india.a.these poor b.a poor c.poor d.the poor 答案是什么,请说明理由! 请翻译:better ot be the poor servant of a poor master The investigators found that more shouldbe done for ______ in India.  A.those poor B.a poor C.poor D.the poor 选哪个正确,为什么? The rich man(was moved)by the story and(gave)some money to the children in the poor area lastyear..请解释括号里为什么这么填? 两道英语题 PS:请写出为什么1.It is _____(disappoint) to see a _____(disappoint) expression on his face.2.I don't know when he _____(come).But when he _____(come),please tell him the news. PS:请写出为什么1.Alice says ___ tonight,because there will be an exam tomorrow morning.A.she'd rather not go B.she'd not rather go C.she'll rather not go2.You can keep the book until you ____.A.have finished reading B.will finish reading C.fini