we china eat with chopsticks这道题怎么做

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 01:51:08
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we (china)eat with chopsticks we china eat with chopsticks这道题怎么做 we eat with our m 英语翻译What do we eat with? We eat food with our t We eat things with our m______ we eat something with our (mouth) We eat and drink with ________ People eat different things in different p arts of the world.In South China we eat rice every day.So metimes we eat it two or three times a d ay,for breakfast,lunch and supper.We usually eat it with fish,meat and vegeta bles.The Japanese eat rice,too 阅读理解别看很长就五道题阅读理解people eat different things in different parts od the world.in south china we eat rice every day.sometimes we eat it two oe three times a day,breakfast,lunch and supper.we usually eat it with fish,meat we usually eat hamburgers with our f( ) we eat western food with--(刀)and ---(叉) 英语翻译wow very cool we are eat songpyeon(types of rice) and variety of traditional foods with my family on this day(big holiday of korea) and we visited relativesalso we wear traditional costume(hanbok) do youknow hanbok?and i want to eat china 填空 1.Jack's favorite food is chicken n____.2.P____ chips are very popular with children.3.We have some great s____ today .4.People is the north of china like to eat s___ like noodles . 初二同义句转换 in china,people always eat with chopsticks=in china ,people always - - - -( 四个空 英语填空we gather and eat delicious food d( )the festivals in china Most children in China like to eat s______ with meat in them if we like ice cream very much,we eat it with __________