It was (the eleventh of November) yesterday(对括号部分提问)———— ———— ———— it yesterday?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 23:53:24
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It will be tomorrow,Tuesday the eleventh 怎么翻译 The book is set in the American South in the nineteen thirties.But it was published fifty years ago,on July eleventh,nineteen sixty.这句话怎么翻译! It was (the eleventh of November) yesterday(对括号部分提问)———— ———— ———— it yesterday? the eleventh hour的来源 月份前用的是什么 介词 in 还是 onI was born on January eleventh.It's so cold in January. 英语翻译 was not nutil the eleventh century that ( )A the detective found out the truthB did the detective find out the truthC had the detective find out the truthD had the detective found out the truth45.( )lay eggs,but some give birth to l 亲们.下列英语怎么写?急/谢!根据英文解释及所给的例句,完成下列单词的拼写、首字母已给出.1.Y_______(the day before today)Today is Monday.It was Sunday Y_______.2.N_______(the eleventh month of teh year)Last N_______W 英语:请问我出生在1988年4月11日怎么读啊?口语读法:i was born on april the eleventh nineteen eighty-eighth和:i was born the eleventh of april nineteen eighty-eighth请问这两种口语读法是否都正确?最后修改下,是 June the eleventh was one of _____days in 2013.The Shenzhou-X was sent up successfully.A、exciting B、more exciting C、the most exciting D、much exciting请说明理由, at the eleventh hour,I must pull up my socks 换命11小时 THE ELEVENTH HOUR怎么样 ( )is the eleventh month in a year.意思是什么 英语翻译1、“At the eleventh hour,thestudents are trying their best to run.”中请翻译“at the eleventh hour”2、“It rains cats and dogs.”中请翻译rains cats and dogs.”3、“You are welcome from the egg to the apple.”中请 the chinese _______ the first to use paper money in the early part of the eleventh B.are C.was D.wereB和D里应该选择哪个, 定语从句填空 Su Song was an eleventh century monk定语从句填空 Su Song was an eleventh century monk very little is known.两个词 it was levelled to the The activity_____(it) was fascinating 根据答语写出问句 1.She's thirteen years old.2.His birthday is November-eleventh.3.She is fin根据答语写出问句 She's thirteen years old.His birthday is November-eleventh.She is fineyour football is under the bed .it's $20