(英语)改下面的句子Don't talk aloud in the reading room.只有一处错误!来个人,把aloud改为loudly

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 17:56:37
(英语)改下面的句子Don't talk aloud in the reading room.只有一处错误!来个人,把aloud改为loudly don’t(talk)here!改正确形式 下面几句英语句子有没有错误?要怎么改?Remember,don't let people who love you down,more important is,don't let yourself down. don't talk stupid 句子结构怎么理解 Don't talk here! Don't talk with 分析一下下面句子的成分(英语)Please don’t get angry.get做系动词 angry做表语 那Please don’t 呢? Don't let the cat out of the bag.英语解释句子转换怎么改? 假如你是一位班主任,请用英语说你的班规,最好用到下面几点,不需要全用到,不要太深奥,七八十个词 Don't eat in class.不在课堂上吃东西.Don't talk in class.不在课堂上随意说话.Don't fight.不打架.Don' 不要讲话【用英语怎么说】don't talk 还是 don't talking 一个英语句子的否定句怎么改?比如说我满足了可以这么说I satisfy 否定句怎么改是否可以说I don't satisfy?在帮我举几个改否定句的例子. 英语 改病句 祈使句、感叹句相关下列各句中均有一处错误,请将正确的句子写在下面.1.What an interesting work it is!2.Don't angry with me.3.What nice backpack it is!请判断下列句子的正误,错误的请写出正确 英语的改句子, don't talk about me给如何翻译?改如何翻译! I don't know how I shall talk to my new classmates.改同意句 plase don't talk in class.will you改同义句 一道虚拟语气英语选择题,I wish you _____like tha.A.don't talk B.won't talk C.wouldn't talk D.not to talk Don't want to talk.