这句话为什么要加been啊 there's obviously just been a little mistake.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 08:50:49
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这句话为什么要加been啊 there's obviously just been a little mistake. there has been...为什么要加been? 急,英语一句话的语法分析there's been swift reaction from serveral countries.这句话中been是怎么回事?为什么要加been?名词加ing或是加ed则变为形容词?或者是还有类似的词性转换吗?感激不尽 Have you been?A place I've never been这句话中been后要不要加东西?为什么? there have been a great number of accidents lately.这句话不加been行么? There is been a mistake为什么要加a There had been concern about the state of the English language.这句话里concern的解释是什么?整句话该怎么翻译?concern为什么不加-ed? how mang rulers are there in the pencilbox这句话对么,为什么要加are there “How many days are there in a week?”这句话为什么要加“are there”? He has been there for six months 和 My brother has never been abroad before.这2个句中为什么要加BEEN?FOR起什么作用呢》? He has been there for six months.has been后面为什么不加to?还有为什么要加for呢? have been there.there前为什么不加to i have been there (for) three times.这句话中括号中的for一定要加吗? 这句话为什么要在mood前面加in?By the time we took off,there had been a 45 minute delay and everyone on board was a bad mood. Which place have you been (to)?where have you been?第一句话要加to吗?为什么?这两句话有什么区别? Have you been there?这句话是什么意思? The house stood where there had been a rock.为什么要加there?为什么要加been?不可以去掉吗? 在There is always something happening.这句话中happen为什么要加ing