关于定语后置的一道选择题Can you still remember the time ____we spent together in our childhood?答案是that或which .为什么不能用when?为什么用that或which?不理解.......

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 16:08:51
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关于定语后置的一道选择题Can you still remember the time ____we spent together in our childhood?答案是that或which .为什么不能用when?为什么用that或which?不理解....... 求关于一般后置、后置定语之类的的语法 英语的这句话可以用后置定语么?After seven hours' climbing,we arrived at the top of the mountain,【后置定语from which】we can see the whole city.这题其实是一道选择题,共有4个选项,分别是from which,which,that,from whe 后置定语的用法 关于英语的后置定语court martial是后置定语,那么可不可以改成martial court啊.还是说某些定于才能当后置定语? wherever的状语从句you can go wherever you like!这里的like不缺少成分么?为啥( you like不是后置定语) 懂得回答 关于后置定语的英语问题As you walk,you will pass people (gathered together for protection in their last hours of life.),请问括号里的应该是后置定语吧,为什么不是gathering表主动? 一道初中英语选择题(定语从句),Can you lend me the book ( ) the other day?A.about which you talked B.about that you talked 定语后置 状语后置 关于case的一道英语选择题I've heard that our boss is to arrange for me to have a trade talk with another company,_____I can't go for a picnic with you on sundayA.in that case B.in which case答案说是B,因为是非限定性定语从句, 问下关于语文的题目文言文中什么是状语后置,定语后置和宾语前置额… 关于等比数列的一道选择题 一道关于等差数列的选择题 关于不定积分的一道选择题 一道关于少数民族的选择题, 一道关于矩阵的选择题 主谓倒装,宾语前置,定语后置,状语后置有什么区别,最好举一些高考考过的选择题的例子,越多越好~谢 文言文中定语后置 状语后置的标志是什么