whatever it cost是对的,那how much sth 还是what it cost?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 16:13:35
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whatever it cost是对的,那how much sth 还是what it cost? She promise to complete her father's unfinished task,_____.A.whatever it cost B.whatever the costC.however it costD.however the cost whatever what that is这句话是对的吗 it cost需要加s吗“it”有时指代的可能是负数,但是“it”本身是三单,那cost... whatever decision he made,i would support it.【【whatever decision是合在一起啊!whatever修饰decision what a _ It cost only ..是b开头的 英语对这个东西花的贵么提问是什么?补全对话的答语是very sheap,It cost me about 300 dollars问句是不是Does it cost very much? whatever ,it is useless 的翻译 Mr Cooper wanted to buy the house and he told me that ____ the house cost,it would be __ it.A.however;worthB.how much;worthC.whatever;worthD.what;worthy而我选的是B.为什么选C不选B? jack said that it cost about 4000一个完形填空题里的,那个cost,为什么不是costs.答案给的是cost. Whatever It Takes是The Faders 的歌,求歌词和歌 有一个英文歌是女的唱的高潮部分一直唱whatever whatever whatever 高中状语从句的几道小问题The old tower must be saved,_____the cost.为什么是whatever而不是however?This is a very interesting book, I'll buy it,_______.为什么是however much it may cost,而不是no matter how it may costp.s.1)这 你想要什么,就能得到什么,用成语表达Whatever you want,you can get it 用中文成语表达心想事成不能满足要求啊~PS:是对一个产品的说明 “满足您任意的需求” Whatever things You Want it to Be. 请教一下这一题的时态______________(任何计划了的事)is sure to change as one puts it into practice给的词是whatever 我填的是过去时 whatever was planned 但是答案用的是现在完成时……感觉题干没有强调对 how much it cost的例句谁有呀? it cost five hundred pounds意思是 他的售价是500英镑 问什么不用it cost is five hundred pounds Whatever you do,try your best do it well.这句话是对的还是错的,错的话正确的又是什么样的.在《小学英语作文看图作文大全》一书中是这么写的.