( )is that in English it is a watch(填空) ( )you Lucy?yes,I am(填空)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 23:29:35
x){Cb<׼ L X!Q<$9WU/U)ML-TH̅+ҴI*ҧv64uw9{f;*?ɎUϧxѽx~=PٌOv4uvXB@s6X@γ[tuLl 젞s(m% 6JZ
doesn't do well in math a ( ) he is good at Englis doesn't do well in math ( ) he is good at Englis What does it mean to be polite in your culture?What is rude in your culture?please answer in Englis 英语划线题目对下列句子的划线部分提问.1.My father is fine.(fine.)___________________________________________2.The shirt is white and black.(white and black.)___________________________________________3.It is a ruler in Englis 英语选词填空 请帮忙翻译出来并告诉我为什么选这个 谢谢了!(1)The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious(豪华) ( )is necessary. A.that B.than(2) ( )has already been pointed out,Englis 关于It is +adj+to do sth的问题I don't think _____ necessary to tell you about it.A.this B.that C.him D.it2`用括号内所给中文的适当形式填空I think it ______ (必要的)to learn English well.能不能说It necessary to learn Englis ( )is that woman in the car /_she is missli ---( )is that in English?---It is a ciock. 看图填写字母,组成单词这个是初一(上)新目标的What's in Englis?y_urd_sk-ag-espen_ildo _ble What is that in ( )English? tongue in cheekwhat is that That is (a ruler) in english 就括号部分提问__ __ that in english? she is your english teacher 对is your englis teacher提问 This book is in that box.(改为复数形式) what is that in English(变复数句) ()is it that has just come in That ' s Cindy.)is in No.1 Middle School. Pandas are in danger.Is that( )? 填空