试题1 (6分)【72580】 When he visited the house 50 years later,he found everything was _____ it had been before.A. thatB. whichC. sameD. as试题2 (6分)【72788】 _____ a wonderful photo you took!A. WhatB. HowC. What isD. How

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/19 05:37:22
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一、Vocabulary and structure (一共10题,每题6分.)试题1 (6分)【72580】 When he visited the house 50 years later,he found everything was _____ it had been before.A. thatB. whichC. sameD. as试题2 (6分)【72788】 _____ a wonderf 试题1 (6分)【72580】 When he visited the house 50 years later,he found everything was _____ it had been before.A. thatB. whichC. sameD. as试题2 (6分)【72788】 _____ a wonderful photo you took!A. WhatB. HowC. What isD. How 初中分班试题 分班试题(初中) 大学英语二 帮帮!【72737】 I felt _____ when I watched the film.A. excitingB. excitedC. to exciteD. excite试题2 (6分)【72752】 His father can get any _____ apart from his pay.A. moneyB. wagesC. incomeD. salary试题3 六年级语文下册1到2单元试题,(要答案)试题两页16开就行,如果好的话另加20分,两页试题, (1)学校对学生进行问卷摸底调查,考察试题共十道,做对一道得10分,对某道题一部分得3分,完全不会的题倒扣6分,某为同学得了77分,那么这位同学做对的是试题有几道, 求高手看看英语试题判断题三、判断题(共 6 道试题,共 30 分.)V 1.When the man shook hands with the child and said,“How do you do?” the child (responded),“How do I do what?”A.错误B.正确 满分:5 分2.To (preserve) 学校举行6年级智力竟赛,试题40题,答对一题3分,不答或答错扣1分.小刚得了80分,答对了几道 学校举行6年级智力竟赛,试题40题,答对一题3分,不答或答错扣1分.小刚得了80分,答对了几道要列式计算 一、Vocabulary and structure (一共10题,每题6分.)试题1 (6分)【72583】 Much _____ said about the problem but nothing _____ been done so far.A. were,hasB. is,hasC. were,hadD. had been,has试题2 (6分)【72738】 There _____ a TV 一、Vocabulary and structure (一共10题,每题6分.)试题1(6分)【70558】 Sam set out to improve _____ at the shirt factory,but he failed at last.A. efficiencyB. sufficiencyC. affectD. effect试题2(6分)【70573】 The woman began to 为提高学生的整体素质,学校对学生进行问卷模底调查,考查试题共10道,做对1道得10;做对某道题一部分得3分;完成不会做的题倒扣6分,某同学得了77分,那么这位同学做对的试题有几道 要八年级下学期期中综合能力评估试题(1)有分 西电初一分班试题 苏教版苏教版 课件 试题 好的有分 迎春杯试题分年级吗 一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分.)英语试题一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分.)V1.____he works hard,I don’t mind when he finishes the experiment.A.As soon asB.As well asC.So far asD.So long as满分:2 分2.She has