在英语语法中West Lake(西湖)要不要用定冠词?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 10:39:55
在英语语法中West Lake(西湖)要不要用定冠词? 西湖的英文是:Xi Lake 还是 West Lake? 完成句子:她喜欢在西湖划船.She likes ______ ______ the West Lake. “杭州因西湖而出名.”英语怎么说Hangzhou __ __ __ (因:什么)West Lake. 英语翻译西湖的英文翻译是什么,是west lake,xihu lake,xi lake 还是别的? 英语翻译举个例子:瘦西湖:Slender West Lake west lake西湖的景色,英语作文,急呀 西湖可以说Lake West吗?知道西湖可以说the West Lake,那Lake West行不行啊!语法书上举了几个例子说有这种用法,如the Lake of Geneva=Lake Geneva 日内瓦湖, WEST LAKE 要加THE 么RT 为什么西湖是the West Lake,黄山是the Huanshan Mountain,不是the Yellow Mountain the west lake和west lake的区别两个都是西湖,老师跟我们着重强调说西湖前不加the,课文标题以及我们书后面的课文注释也不加the(仁爱英语有课文注释的)我翻了参考书也是说不加the,但是课文里 see the West Lake west lake是什麽意思 West Lake 导游词 where.the.West.lake . what about traveling to the west lake 改成同义句what about traveling to the west lake 改同义句.( ) ( ) travelto the West Lake? 是不是从汉语拼音过来的英文专有名词前都不加the? 请问中国与外国的江河湖海名称前the的用法.问1 如:Mount Tai(泰山),the West Lake(西湖)先感谢相助哈=) 用英文介绍惠州西湖!翻译下面的英文?About the formation of West LakeAbout the formation of West Lake, there are few records in ancient documents. West Lake Sight-Seeing Record (西湖游览志) of Ming Dynasty, column one, says, West