玩跑跑出现:cannot initialize security modules please reinstall this

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 11:40:13
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玩跑跑出现:cannot initialize security modules please reinstall this 跑跑卡丁车 cannot mount data files在网吧里玩跑跑出现cannot mount data files怎么办额 又没安装器 重启后又自动还原怎么办 我下了跑跑卡丁车不能玩出现cannot find'D3D9.DALL'.please,re-install this application怎么回事 玩跑跑出现Cannot mount data files.Please reinstall this我可急死了,在网吧当网管,可是遇此问题,求你能否快回答我? 跑跑不能进去.会出现cannot initialize this.please reinstall this. vista安装跑跑卡丁车出现cannot initialize this.please reinstall this 跑跑卡丁车出现英文cannot find'd3d9.dll'.please,re-install this application 为什么跑跑卡丁车进不去出现了Cannot intialize this.Please reinstall this. 我在进入跑跑时出现对话框Cannot mount date files Please reinstall this. 跑跑玩不了出现英文wrong file has been installed.please reinstall the program,按下回车又出现cannot initialize security modules.please reinstall this.都好几天没玩了.为什么进不去啊,以前还好好的下了N回了 也不好 前天在跑跑官网下了个PopKart_Setup_P682.exe昨天还在玩今天就毛病了T_T一开就说Cannot initialize security modules.please reinstall this.汗,重装一遍跑跑卡丁车还是一开就说Cannot initialize security modules.please re 跑跑卡丁车登陆出现 Cannot initialize security modules.Please reinstall this.重装好几遍啦,问题依然如此.如图 打开跑跑就出现“Cannot open a pan-file of application.please reinstall application.我的是最新版本 跑跑卡丁车进不去 先出现problem has occurred with the hack shield function the program will be shut后面又出现cannot initialize security modules please reinstall this 梦到天空月亮跟太阳同时出现,还有彩色的星星,求解答彩色星星不是很多就是5.6颗的样子貌似一起玩跑跑疯了 Please restart the game after you exit the unnecessary program是什么意思?玩跑跑时出现的.Can you help me? 玩《跑跑卡丁车》 安装后进入 出现specifed resolution is not supported (16bit,32bit)分辨率已经调的最高了! 我的跑跑玩不到会弹出 problem has occurred with the hack shield function.the program wil be shut dow按了确定后又弹出Cannot initialize securlty moduies。piease reinstall this.