_is she__there she is cieaning the library.横线上怎么填

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 08:11:35
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_is she__there she is cieaning the library.横线上怎么填 简单疑问词,速度求答案!_is your nationality? -I am chinese._bus shall we take? -No.15_is your grandma? -She is fine,thank you._ _are these pears? -$1.10 a kilo._ _is Lianhua Mountain in Shenzhen? -More than500 metres._ _do the buses 用人称代词的适当形式填空this is my friend._name's jim._is english.(he)is——in english.(he)is_in class2?yes,_teacher is mrs li.(she)what's_name?are_eleven?(you)it is_jscket over there.can you hlep_?(i)i have a cat._name is mimi._is whit I have a lovely brother._is only. I like_very much.(he) _does Lily have?She has a coputer._is the girl over ther?My sister._pencil is this? What's_in English?_is a book I seeWhat are _over there?_are sone apples I want to have one 根据汉语完成句子那是谁?是你阿姨吗?不她是我妈妈_is that Is she _ NO,shes my _is your jacket?(colour) _is your Chinese_ I work as a reporter for the school magazine保持句意不__ _is to report news for the school magazine 说到题啊,这是英语选择题:_Is --------your sister?_Yes,-------- is.A.this,he B.that,it C.she,is 用括号中所给代词的适当形式填空 1,_are Tom and Jim_are from theU.用括号中所给代词的适当形式填空1,_are Tom and Jim_are from theU.S.A.._teacher is Miss Wang.She is very nice.She likes_very much(we)2,_is Lucy ._is ten ye _is my turn _the teacher I have two children.One is a doctor,_is a teacher.A.another B.other C.the other D.the others 1,I don't like summer ,for _is too hot .选择A,weather B,day C,it D,it's应该选择哪个,为甚麽? He won't join us,I think.What other places is he going to?I_ _he_join us._ _is he goung?改写同义句 _do you get to school?I _ to school._is itfrom your home to school it is two miles._does it _ you 用人称代词填空:1.Miss Gao is a good teacher,we all like_ very much.2.I have a new bike,_is blue.