The other men left Spaulding with debts.请翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 07:18:34
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The other men left Spaulding with debts.请翻译 winked to his companionnoisy cells of the men's wardThe birchesand each other another two men 和the other two men的区别 put the paper into the sleevenoisy cells of the men's wardlawn on the boulevardsand each other put the paper into the sleevenoisy cells of the men's wardlawn on the boulevardsand each other What's the men doing? men to the left,because women are always there's a pen in your left hand.what's in your other/the other hand说明选择的原因答案是other,我也觉得对,但是为什么不用the other呢?说不出原因 he wears the same clothes as other men意思? The two men walked happily for an hour and then one of them said to the other,“That 's a very beautiful girl. from( )men.( )里填other others anotherfrom( )men.( )里填other others another 还是the onther She has a bag in her left hand,What's in her _____hand?答案是other,我想问一下the other为什么不行呢? 一道初中单选题!--She has a big in her left hand.What's in her___hand?--A flower.A.another B.the other C.other MEN'S men's 关于代词it在定语从句中的修饰问题His fortune is greater or less,precisely in proportion to the extent of this power; or to the quantity either of other men's labour,or,what is the same thing,of the produce of other men's labour,which it 帮忙看一下这段话有没有语法错误,As is vividly depicted in this cartoon,two handicapped young men are running fast with help each other.One of the disabled men only has his left leg.On the contrary,anther only has right leg.They discard noby except the men was left behind为什么用was,不用were