找一篇英语文章“友情一生”开头是In kindergarten your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the crayon when all that was left was the ugly black one.要不就请发给我herojjlin@163.com感激不尽~~~~ 我要mp3的录

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 03:48:14
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找一篇英语文章“友情一生”开头是In kindergarten your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the crayon when all that was left was the ugly black one.要不就请发给我herojjlin@163.com感激不尽~~~~ 我要mp3的录 友情的文章开头 找一篇开头是:more and more stduents want to study in hot mgjors ,的英语 谁知道一篇开头是Mr Lee lives in Boston的英语文章? 求一篇英语文章 开头是You live in a house made of chocolate;you are walking in the cloud 急求一篇关于友情文章!本人现没有条件上网 希望大家帮我找一篇关于友情的文章 800字左右 找一篇有关元旦的英语文章 金山打字英语文章一篇金山打字生死时速里的一篇英语文章,记得开头是There什么的.摆脱~ 找一个英语文章我只知道开头,求全文开头:shopping online is one of the most important part of life now在网上找一篇这个东西再找一篇,开头是:shooping online is one of the most important part of life now. 求帮忙找一篇英语完型!谢谢!开头是Six-year-old Cindy loved to play in the street with her friends的,谢谢!在线等 我想找一篇文章关于友情,两个女孩之间的友情故事之类的文章,要纯净,请不要回答得那么文不对题,那么…… 关于友情的英语文章 Article about Family change in China我想找的是一篇用英语写的关于以上话题的文章,字数在六百字左右. 找一篇文章,是读者上的、、 急需一篇关于友情的文章 找一篇英语短文关于足球的开头是football is ,i do think,Football is,I do think,the most favourite game in England……是短文的开头! 找一篇700字左右的英语文章 最好是关于篮球方面的 找一篇题目是“My beautiful Dream”的英语文章急用,150字左右