在线等修改英语作文,.帮忙指出语法的错误,或者是更好的表达法也可以.Nowadays,everyone is busting for their own career .Especially for the office ,they always work day in and day out .Sometimes ,these” blue collar” may fe

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 00:56:33
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在线等修改英语作文,.帮忙指出语法的错误,或者是更好的表达法也可以.Nowadays,everyone is busting for their own career .Especially for the office ,they always work day in and day out .Sometimes ,these” blue collar” may fe 修改错误 英语作业 速度回啊 在线等 急求英语高手帮我修改一下一篇英语作文的句式和语法,在线等,不胜感激!五百多字的样子,好心人请留下邮箱,谢谢! 英语句子请帮忙纠错!I pray to god,for the girl whom i love,I hope she is happy for whole her life.有语法上的错误的话 请指出来然后帮我修改一下, 翻译好的英语,能帮忙修改一下语法和句式的错误吗?可以hi联系我 求英语高手修改英语作文帮我修改下语法方面的错误,不方便直接发这上面,有愿意修改的同学麻烦留邮箱交流, 帮忙指出错误的地方. 急,帮忙写篇作文(美丽的错误)我是初中生 谢谢啊我在线等啊 急,帮忙写一篇英语作文.在线等.很重要! 请帮忙看看下面两个英语文段有无语法或其他什么明显的错误?如有请指出并说明原因,如果能给出优美地道的修改方案那就再好不过了.On the morning of April 29,2007,from 10:00 to 11:00,hundreds of millions 请帮忙看看下面两个英语文段有无语法或其他什么明显的错误?如有请指出并说明原因,如果能给出优美地道的修改方案那就再好不过了.On the morning of April 29,2007,from 10:00 to 11:00,hundreds of millions 帮忙修改一篇读写任务的英语写作.满分25分,请打一个分数并能指出语法和用词错误`谢谢``!I was move when I finished reading this story SUN her kindness and patient as like a angel live in her classmate ' s heart.what she 英语病句,指出错误的地方并修改.It your pen on your desk? 帮忙修改一篇简单的英语短文★★大家改改错误,修改更好些吧.包括语法、书写等.请仔细些检查.原文如下:A claas,a familyI'm a Grade Nine student from Dong Feng No.5 Middle School.My class,Class One,is not only ma 一篇英语作文帮忙修改一下.(急)帮忙看看有没有不合理和错误的句子,并帮忙修改一下,提一些建议,.修改完以后词数必须大于200.谢谢! Growing PainsHow quickly time flies! Now I a 英语作文修改~求高手指出语法和结构上的错误(有加分)I think the most valuable personal quality of a university student is passion.Passion can not only help the university students keep a good momentum of studying the expertise 英语作文帮忙修改 谢谢 求帮忙看一下小弟的英语作文,有什么语法,用词错误的请指示修改下.3Q,最后一篇求帮忙作文了.Dear Dr’Smith ,I’m Liming,chairman of the University union.The annual foreign language festival is about to begain .I’m