找出句中的错误,并改正在横线上1·A lot of peoples came to my school to visit2`All of the students had a good time on last Saturday3`There were many colour lites in the sky a moment ago4`She favourite holiday is Halloween

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 05:15:48
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找出下面句子中的错误,并改正在横线上.My birthday is at December 1 th.__________________________________________________________是11 找出句中的错误,并改正在横线上1`Did they sang an English song at the party?2`We had a volleyball match in the school's hall3`What holiday does comes after May Day 4`This is your sweater Put on it plase5`__It is the National Day holiday l 找出句中的错误,并改正在横线上1·A lot of peoples came to my school to visit2`All of the students had a good time on last Saturday3`There were many colour lites in the sky a moment ago4`She favourite holiday is Halloween 找出句中的错误并在横线上改正. 读句子,找出句中错误的单词,并改正在句中的横线上.We like play computer games very much.( )My brother have sixteen nice pictures .( )Liu Ying often watch TV in the evening.( ) 找出各句中的错误并改写在横线上.1.---Is it your pen?----yes,its.________________2.He is in class Nine,Grade Seven._________________________】 找出错误的句子填在括号里并改正在横线上()1,I read a interesting storybook yesterday .————————.—— --- ————A B C ()2.l will go to Guanzhou to see my grandma with my family yesterday.------------- ----- 找出错误的句子填在括号里并改正在横线上( )1,I read a interesting storybook yesterday .————————.—— --- ————A B C ()2.l will go to Guanzhou to see my grandma with my family yesterday.------------- ----- l and tom watch TV every day找出句中的错误,将序号写在提前括号内,并在题后横线上改正 l and tom watch TV every day找出句中的错误,将序号写在提前括号内,并在题后横线上改正 画出句子中的错误并改在横线上 找出句中的错误,并在横线上改正( )Look,the mouse is on my shoes.___________ _____ __ _____A B C要改的词就是Look on shoes对不起横线没画好 找出错误,并在横线上改正 找出下面句子错误的选项,并改在横线上 找出下列词语中的错别字并改正在横线上.恭敬 缝隙 迸出 兴高彩烈 骇人听闻 坚持不懈 泥泞 丑陋 沉沦 来势凶凶 眼花燎乱 头晕目眩 下面的单词各有一处错误,用横线标出并改正在横线上centimiter -------splended------intresting-------difforent-------qestion------godess-------- 找出下面句子当中的错误,将其序号写在括号中,并将该证后的正确答案写在横线上.A:The apple is B:nice.And l like C:apple D:a lot. He wathers the cartoon movies on CCTV every day._______(找出错误,并订正在横线上)