谁知道Foulsham House 的意思?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 04:24:34
谁知道Foulsham House 的意思? 请问:many great man ride on the hills about Foulsham House.的中文意思及about的用法 Foulsham House is a fine.请高手翻译全句.is a fine 有谁知道White House 的具体地址在那里? Please translation the passage.Foulsham House is a fine,stone house of the 1790s,It stands high above a river,in twenty-five hectares of the best farmland in the southwest of Engand. 谁知道Sanlian Publishing House是哪里的啊~ Foulsham House is an old to meet the needs of the 1990s.In many other ways,this house of the 1970sFoulsham House is an old to meet the needs of the 1990s.In many other ways,this house of the 1970s 对不起,是:In many other ways,this house of th 英语翻译A House for SaleFoulsham(福尔诗姆) House is a fine stone house of the 1790’s .It stands high avove a river,in twenty-five hectares of the best farmland in the Southwest of England.Smithson Foulsham built the house,and the story goes 英语翻译我.看不懂.我.呜呜Foulsham House is a fine,large house of the 1790s.It stands by the River Byer,in twenty-five hectares of the farmland in the southwest.The house was built by Smithson,and the story goes back to George,the son of Ki 英语翻译Foulsham House is a fine,large house of the 1790s.It stands by the River Byer,in twenty—five hectares(公顷)of the best farmland in the southwest.  The house was built by Smithson,and the story goes back to George,the son of Ki 谁知道I am going to build a house with it.的翻译 有谁知道they go from house to house and ring the doorbell是什么意思?哪个哥哥姐姐回答我的问题,要多少分说出来 谁知道the house of the rising sun这首歌的歌曲背背景?谁写的?出自哪里? house的复数是什么? house的复数 单词house的发音 house的复数形式 wendy house 的来历?