subjects and course contents for children are decided by authorities ,such as the central government.Some people think that teachers should decide these for students.Dis or agree?作文:It is generally believed that the subjects and course contents

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 15:56:01
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subjects and course contents for children are decided by authorities ,such as the central government.Some people think that teachers should decide these for students.Dis or agree?作文:It is generally believed that the subjects and course contents 英语翻译At the end of their studies,our students have acquired a good knowledge of French and English,as the IVP Higher Certificate in Finishing Course programs are taught in English and the other subjects are given in French,Upon leaving Surval, course course. course Students have English,Chinese,math,music and ( ) subjects He likes all the subjects,and PE is _____ favorite. Bill favourite subjects at school were s_ and maths. My favorite subjects are English and math.这句话对吗 i must learn all subjects well and understand a lot. subject 和course的区别申请TU/E,要SUBJECTS的概述,我把各门课都列举了一下,人家说不对,发过来如下一段话~Description of subjects taken during higher education (not course description).请问有谁知道SUBJECTS和COURSE的 英语翻译And to stay on course Foilow your own course and let people 外语翻译句子And ,of course. Follow your own course,and let people start course denouement cause and effect destiny clran and dright Which of the subjects doclran and dright Which of the subjects do you lies best.中文 英语短文改错求教,财富给最快回答的朋友.(每句话会分开编号)①:A lot people though that teachers need to love out students and that they need to have an expert knowledge of their subjects.②:these ideas are ,of course,