雅思大作文,帮忙看看小妹的,评分+建议increasing the price of the petrol is tyyhe best way to solve growing traffic anfd pollution problems.to what extent do you agree or disagree?what other measure do you think might be effective?A lot

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 14:54:49
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雅思大作文,帮忙看看小妹的,评分+建议increasing the price of the petrol is tyyhe best way to solve growing traffic anfd pollution problems.to what extent do you agree or disagree?what other measure do you think might be effective?A lot 我的雅思作文帮忙批改 评分 雅思作文批改,麻烦各位帮忙批改评分,要求:从语法,连贯性,词汇,内容等雅思评分的四个方面予以批改,分别提出改进提建议,最好是能提出本人写作上存在的一般性问题;另外,每个部分都要 关于雅思作文评分问题我小作文6.5,大作文5分,为什么最后总分连5都不到?雅思作文怎么算分的? 雅思写作的评分是算两篇作文的平均分吗 雅思大作文的一句话帮忙看看对不对Only when we get enough money and live a life we want,the job satisfactory can be guranteed. 雅思写作怎么评分的? 雅思口语评分的问题 帮忙看看作文有什么要修改的地方好吗?给一点建议. 雅思大作文几个句子帮忙看看有没有问题,如果有更好的表达方法呈现就更好了!(求专业的看看)1 It is quiet absurd that if an university receive equal male and female students in every subject from my perspective.2 I ILETS 雅思 剑7 test2 大作文 求评分 求拍砖! 一篇英语作文帮忙修改一下.(急)帮忙看看有没有不合理和错误的句子,并帮忙修改一下,提一些建议,.修改完以后词数必须大于200.谢谢! Growing PainsHow quickly time flies! Now I a 跪求一个万能的雅思大作文的开头和结尾.如题,要雅思大作文通用的开头和结尾.要议论文的.小妹这个月六号就上战场了!好的话我会追加分的! 高手大侠 帮忙看看,【雅思大作文】~~大概多少分 批改一下给点建议吧!谢谢 跪求!Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function well if individuals were free to do as they please. To what extent do you agree and d 雅思作文修改评分没有意义的答案不要发了,捣乱的别闹! 雅思作文求评分,这是剑五test2的大作文.It is widely discussed whether youngsters should be encouraged to work or travel after finishing high school and start university studies one year later in some countries.Personally,I hold the view 帮忙估分并且批改一下雅思的大作文 最好是老师.帮忙估分并且批改一下雅思的大作文 最好是老师. Is it beneficial for teenagers to spend a large amount of time on TV,video and PC games? It was once assumed that it i 雅思强人请进,帮忙看看我的雅思大作文大概有几分,并给点意见,Q:many people believe that the main aim for university education is to help graduates to find better jobs,while some people believe that university education has wi