thank you.回答是用not at all 还是that's ok

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 04:48:30
x)+HV/{:{SX|ʊD QxP DX!?&HtMv6dhxѱFQÌ\J=! !MzOyҽz6yvPm$yE^~$bK{wm>y h:Hg^4B}V 5y~ڿ>Y MHh
thank you.回答是用not at all 还是that's ok Please open the windows的回答是Thank you 还是All right 还是Not at all? not at all常用来回答什么?如 thank you for helping me!回答用A not at all B.i 'm very glad to do so Excuse me,which is the way to the post office _sorry,I'm new here是用not at all回答还是thank you all the same? make yourself at 回答咋是thank you呢? 他问:“Thank you for telling me the good news!”如果回答“Not at all”可以吗?那“that's nothing”呢?我想问的是用not at all 行不行?就是考试会不会被扣分?就算不算错误答案? 对方说thank you 我可以有很多种回答作为选择,什么情况下可以回答not at all呢?不理解not at all u r welcome 是表示对别人欢迎 not at all Is that easy?怎么回答有三个选项 A.Thank you B.Not really C.Not at all Thank you for helping me with my English.怎样回答?A.Not at all B.All right 用anyway回答Thank you. don't mention it 与never mind 与 not at all非别是回答什么的 是sorry还是thank You won the first prize in the match yesterday.You're really good._________.a,Not at all.b,That's OK.c,Thank you.d,No,I'm not good.回答需有理由,中文翻译.回答正确, 2句英语问句如何回答thank you very much sorrythat's OK that's all right that's right not at Are you afraid of snakes?回答用Yes,not very还是No,not at all?为什么? good evening可不可以用thank you回答 回答thank you 可以用sure吗 怎样回答thank you 英语中不同情景中thank you的不同应答说thank you都有哪几种回答?还有,什么情况下说thank you之后回答you're welcome./That's all right./not at all./my pleasure请英语高手指教!快来回答 100分哦