IFN-induced 怎么翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 11:13:01
IFN-induced 怎么翻译 condensate-induced water hammer怎么翻译? repeat-induced gene silencing (RIGS)怎么翻译? 请问tax-induced labor wedge怎么翻译?如何理解?希望高手能给予详细解释!谢谢! diet-induced obesity如何翻译适合 alternative的意思Nevertheless,recent data from our lab and others suggest that alternative mechanisms also may contribute to CMV induced.这里的alternative是什么意思?CMV induced又怎么翻译? IFN指代什么? R-IFN是什么? IFN和ICFN是什么意思 IFN-con-1是什么 mlc ifn是什么意思 英语翻译Displays are constructed with relevant facts slipped slyly in,as though learning were a bitter pill that must be sugarcoated before the average museum visitor can be induced to swallow it.怎么翻译? 英语翻译A marginal amount of a particular variable is the increment in that variable induced by a change in another variable on which it depends这句该怎么翻译? There could have been a war over it but in the end reason ___.a. induced b. counted c. arrived d. prevailed 答案选哪个?这句话怎么翻译? 英语翻译1,Twenty-three of these patients elected to have the contralateral,nonoperatively treated knee lavaged at the time of arthroscopy.怎么翻译?谓语是哪个?2,The presence of IFN-a,IL-6,MCP-1,or MIP-1b performed as well as magneticreson Acoustically induced vibration in the piping shall be avoided at all times.是什么意思,求大神翻译下 induced abortion是什么意思 ifn%i==0是什么意思