帮我看下这道题选A还是选B?"No" is power and strength."No" now seems completely correct."Saying 'no' isn't easy.But finally it's greatly liberating," Charles said.But,he added,a "no" project needs to be worked on every day because it is hard

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 06:48:37
xS=s1 +mY|=ssL6iPP{J;c;`R14 ?t3r" 4{~ғ?޾뫻O_7nozO!; `AIorxq8yCFL.u"^#@S@+vU.`E9e #D;D){BA=~2@.0;/+ 8hsDJnSAVFd?H!x`5Qb2㗤 ;(>..85qkuchAms[w j^C ́8Ğgj$p4E?נּcuB?6D*`DKўlG 3JƪsNڀx4pC\"xuN<*t=m7ʓfuɞ!_jvKʵVu,mGu
May I go with you?帮我回答A.yes,you can B.yes,you could C.No,you can D.NO,you couldn't 应该选那个 帮我看下这道题选A还是选B?No is power and strength.No now seems completely correct.Saying 'no' isn't easy.But finally it's greatly liberating, Charles said.But,he added,a no project needs to be worked on every day because it is hard i have no pen --------no ruler.a so b, and c, or d, but是选择c么? 可是这个句子不是否定句呀?清帮我! 请帮我翻译I no understand.. ----I ___ you ___ out.----No.I have been here all the time.A.thought,were B.think,areC.think,have beenD.have thought,had been选A,请帮我分析一下, I live( ) NO.20 haiming road.A.at B.in C.on 我觉得应该是选A,但是老师说选B,是我错了还是老师错了? do you like this T—shirt?A.Yes,I like .B Yes,I do C.No,I don't like答案是A还是B?为什么B C 中的哪一个?我觉得A C 都可以啊 帮我解决5题英语,1.()the gas before you go to bed.a.put down b.put out c.put up d.put into2.-can i bring my dog here tomorrow?-( )a.yes,you can b.no,you can't c.yes,i can d.no,i can't3.-is there ( )to tell us?-no,nothing.a.exciting anything _.I had to walk home(_).I had to walk homeA.There was no bus B.There being no busC.There were no busesD.There was not a bus我也觉得选A。可我们老师是说选B。 —Don't be Late for School怎么应答?我记得答句最好是:OK,I won't!但现在没有这个答案,A:Yes,I will.B:No,I won't!C No,I willD:Yes,I won't!是A还是B呢?B似乎是对问句做出的回答,可这不是问句;要不是B的话,A 请帮我看看这几题英语语法题~----which one can I take?(d)----You can take ______ of them; I’ll keep none.A.both B.any C.neither D.all为什么(b)不能选呢?----May I go and play with Tom this afternoon,Mum?(b)----No.You can C/C++语法问题//帮我把所有的编译时错误都解决掉,#include#includeint sw,mw;int jian(int no[55],int k){int i;for(i=sw;isw))mw--;return no;}int main(){char s[55];int b[55],a[55],i;scanf(%s,s);memset(a,0,sizeof(a));a[0]=strlen(s);for(i 我都做错了,你们选哪个?帮我解释为什么?M:Did you go Dutch after that meal ,I mean ,with the other seven friends?W:_____.A:Yes,they did .B:No,because it was my treat that day C:No,they didn't D:Yes they paid for the meal2.M:Sorry to h 英语选择题.我都做错了,你们选哪个?帮我解释为什么?谢谢!M: Did you go Dutch after that meal ,I mean ,with the other seven friends?W: _____. A: Yes,they did . B: No,because it was my treat that day C:No,they didn't 请帮我做这几道英语题,说明理由,1.Are you from England?( )I'm from LondonA.Yes,I do B.I am C.No I don't D.No I'm not2.Don't you tell him about that?( )I called him twice but nobody answerA.Yes I did B.No I did C,I didn't D No I didn't3.Ma I don't think your team can beat theirs.-----____.But we could if Lin Tao were on the team.参考答案为A ,请大家帮我分析下哈A.No,we can'tB.Yes,we can'tC.yes,we can D.No,we can为什么不选B呢 How do you like the book?A.It's interesting.B.No,I don't like it at all.这道题应该选A还是选B?有的说A有的说B,到底是A还是B?请高人指教. Is this your book?No,I think it's____?Is this your book?No,I think it's ___?A.Jim B.Jim’s C.Jim’s brother D.Jim’s brothers是选B,还是C?为什么