这句话有错误吗?如果有错应该如何修改?To account for the above mentioned topic,I can think ofno better illustrations to prove it than the cases asmentioned below.to protect the environment is as important as to protect the body

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 06:07:53
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这句话有错误吗?如果有错应该如何修改?To account for the above mentioned topic,I can think ofno better illustrations to prove it than the cases asmentioned below.to protect the environment is as important as to protect the body 填空.一句话( )it even been reset during the installation?一个疑问句填空另外,这句话是不是本身就有错误?如果有错,应该怎样写? Thanks to computer,we can do our work much quicker than before.这句话有错吗?如果没有错,该怎样翻译?如果有错,怎样修改? 请问这句英语有错误吗?如果有错,该怎么改?Mold the naturalwater of skin delicate with moisten.请问这句话有错误吗?如果有错该怎么改啊? tomorrow is last day.这句话有没有错?我是问这句话有错误吗? i can be skilled in driving 这句话语法有错误吗?如果有错误的话应该怎么改正 there is a discussion about the Internet whetherit is good or bad请问一下这句话有语法错误吗?如果有错误,应该如何改正? 我想知道“Life is a game,just don't forget play it.这句话语法有错误吗?如有错,望指正 let's playing basketball together这句话的错误有吗playing有木有错 I am always hiding from all.这句话语法有错吗?如果有错又应该怎么改呢? I saw that one thing is more beautiful than the other things.这句话有错误吗?如果有错误请修改并翻译. 英语句子.They think have lessons at weekends is too bad.请问这句话有错吗?如果有,错误在哪里, I want to learn (better) it这句话语法上有没有错误,如果有错,better该换成什么 He provided the police with the names of robbing the shop.这句话有错吗?如果没有错,那该怎么翻译?怎样修改这个句子呢? The students went into lab with books in hands.这个表达有错吗,如果有,如何修改? I can't fly because the weather was too hot.这句话有错误么,有错在哪里,该怎么改?其实我觉得没有错误· I can't imagine how much homework do I need to finish.请问这个句子语法有错吗?如果有错,请问该如何修改?如果没错,请问该如何翻译? 英文造句文法 如有错误 修正a:Do you drink coke of table?b:Yes,i do你喝不喝桌子上的可乐 我喝a:Does Ben read comic book?b:No,he doesn't Ben他看不看漫画 他不看这样文法有错吗 如果有错要怎麼修改