would rather那个是动词?哪个是

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 01:27:05
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would rather那个是动词?哪个是 would是情态动词为什么可以接宾语从句 would rather that would rather + that从句 动词用什么? would rather 后面加动词什么形式 would rather 后跟动词的什么形式? would rather相当于那个短语____ ______ 英文中would rather 后面的动词一定是过去式吗? You look tired now.You stay at home and have a rest.选项在下面A.had to B.had better C.would like to D.would rather 请问答案是哪个 为什么 这里动词要用过去式 would rather have done否定式怎样的?答案是would rather not have done,为什么不是would rather have not done.这里的have done又不是to have done,不是非谓语动词. “I would rather ”后面跟动词原形还是过去式啊?“I would rather that”呢? 关于would rather怎么would rather有时接动词原形,有时用虚拟啊? 关于would rather的词性I would rather you come tomorrow.would rather能这样使吗?would rather应该是副词啊,在这句中岂不变成动词了... I would rather后面加什么时态的动词? would rather之后有的书上写would rather与than后的动词是过去式,也就是后面用虚拟语气.而the soldiers would rather sooner die than surrender.这里是用动词原形,什么时候的动词是过去式什么时候用原形? rather than /would rather than 后接什么时态的动词? would rather 是用语虚拟语气吗? 虚拟语气中与过去相反would rather引导的从句谓语动词可以是would+have+过去分词吗?这点与wish是相同还是不同哪 hardworking与hard woring 那个是名词,哪个是动词