关于below这个单词he was below her in intelligence.这里的below是在be动词后面表语吗,还是什么,分析一下句子的结构.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 04:31:21
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关于below这个单词he was below her in intelligence.这里的below是在be动词后面表语吗,还是什么,分析一下句子的结构. when was he born 这个模块的单词 英语中的虚拟语气,关于be动词.如句:If he___(were/was)a superman,he would fly to Mars.这个句中,关于单三人称,be动词应该用were还是was?求全面的解! 像这个:He is not ( ) he was 或者是he is not ( ) he used to be.是选填who还是what? when he _____ he was rich and successful.是这其中哪个单词的过去式啊?1.be 2.become 3.die 4.have 5.live 6..work那么这个呢?William Shakespeare _______ for 52 years . 英语翻译Tom is in Grade 7 and he is far below the standard.His marks may be somewhere between(此处是填空,因译不通,所以不会着呢)This passage was probably written for(此处是填空) 英语语法小问题关于be就是be 这个词 不是 am is are was were 那什么时候要真中用到“be”这个单词?that should be me,feeling your kiss ..这个句子 的be 不能替换成is么?不知道我说的明白不.教教我. 关于天使这个单词 below 的特殊用法below 是副词和介词,但在新概念英语L10中这样用:there was a slight trembling sound from below.请问这个怎么解释呢?from是介词,那么below在这里是什么词性呢? be safe这个单词是什么意思 He was said to be very formal 英语中的虚拟语气,关于be动词的用法.如句:If he___(were/was)a superman,he would fly to Mars.这个句中,关于单三人称,be动词应该用were还是was?求全面的解! He was ___ (suppose) to be here by nine.But he hasn't come yet.用所给单词的适当形式填空!能否说明原因? It was Mr Bean's birhday,and he wanted to e ite为首字母,求这个单词. The work was far below his usual standard because he had written it when he was ill.请帮我翻译这句话. to be honest关于这个单词的所有解释和用法 谢谢帮助 he was happy to be home .为什么用to be 关于be dying一个句子:he is dying.这个句子有没有错?为什么?