Self introduce Good moring,my dear teachers.Frankly speaking,this is the second time that I have visited XX University.And I was deeply impressed by your university on the last occasion.So this time I am extremely delighted to be given an opportunity

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/16 10:03:37
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introduce oneself self-introduction 区分 英语简短的自我介绍是不是a small self-introduce I'll introduce me self to all the teacher翻译 1.自我介绍(self-introduce) Good morning.I am glad to be here for this interview.First let me introduce myself.My name is fanxiao,I am 23 years old,born in hebei province ,I will graduat from Beijing Institute of Machinery Industry in June ,2008.m introduce... introduce Self 哪位高人能帮我看看我的英语自我介绍有没有语法问题,帮我改改Good afternoon,teachers.I'm very glad to introduce my self here.My name is xxxx.I'm a lovely girl.I'm a x years old.I'm a student of Shi Yan primary school.I'm a Cla Self introduce Good moring,my dear teachers.Frankly speaking,this is the second time that I have visited XX University.And I was deeply impressed by your university on the last occasion.So this time I am extremely delighted to be given an opportunity (新)英文单词抄错了.帮忙猜猜正确的意思刚才不小心碰了一下回车 问题就提交了 哈哈1.Self - introducfion?2.Introduce a porsen that you respeafl like?3.Do you,like Enylish?Why do you choose,the mayer?4.Is it good or harm 这是一篇自我介绍 要求时间两分钟,(我英文很差)good morning it is my pleasure to introduce my self in foront of youi am samuel leong,i am an 17-year olg senior middle 3 student in kao yip middle school,i am sober-minded,careful and c Hello,everybody,I’m a student in grade one .Let me introduce my self first.的意思 如果我将文章的标题定为myself introduce是不是有严重的语法错误?通常我们说:self-introduce或者introduce myself,我作为文章的标题,可以那样写吗,通常英语中标题不计较语法,似乎 “A good friend,a second self” 翻译全文. 翻译~!If u introduce some good-looking schoolgirls to meIf u introduce some good-looking schoolgirls to memaybe I will think about that. 应该说 I will introduce [me]还是[myself] to you?有个词组是introduce sb.但也有introduce one's self.I will introduce ___ to you.应该填me还是myself?最好在9月3号晚给我答案!跪谢! 急求英语作文!以CITY LIFE 为题要求:1.DEFINE 2.INTRODUCE 3.GOODad U told me.U gonna introduce me a good girl.Where is she