the train had left before he\him came to the station使用him还是he?介词before后跟宾格him?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 21:27:56
xN@_eh 1k7ED.>@CRE FtB)BҮx-ƍ]s9#ֲ RJ KPjʥ28\QHJZ~z&5 sؽ +#\N<ɉzO1/2oK+bgo!Z` ƻ`m"W ֗Jv{yݩ1K `JKqNItlaG%9ӣ{ A+OQM%MOBJ".k4΂ӬU+R5SwJ[]2EohGmA4jR%
Excuse me ,can you tell me ______?A.dose the train leave B.If the train had left C,if the train leaves D.did the train leave The greens didn`t catch the train when they got to the station the train ______________A.left B.was left C.has left D.had left请说明理由 He reached the station______the train had left(介词填空) When he got to the station, the train _________ for a long time.A. had been away B. had left C. has been away D. has left I'm sorry you're missed the train.It _____10 minutes ago.Aleft B has left C had left D has been left选哪个为什么? 选择.I'm sorry you'v missed the train ,it-----------10 minutes ago.A.left B.has left C.had left he got to the train station the train had left需填三空在句首 1、Could you make sure---------- ? A 、when the train leaves B、if the train had left C······1、Could you make sure ?A 、when the train leaves B、if the train had left C、when the train would leave D、where has -the train had left when I got there .- ____?So you missed the train?-the train had left when I got there .- ____?So you missed the train?A Did it B,Had it C Did you D .Had you 请问选择哪一个?为什么? 一个简单的英语选择题目(急~~Did you catch the train yesterday?No.It_______when I________to the station.A.left;got B.had left;got C.left;had got D.was left;was getting并解释一下原因,谢谢! 4、He reached the station _____the train had left( ) A、after B、before C、where D、as理由 When I got to the station,the train ____for the minutes already.A.had left B.had been away 选哪个啊 When I________to the railway station at five o'clock yesterday afternoon,the train had left.大神A.wag getting B.had got D.would get Could you tell me when the train _______?A.leaves B.would leave C.has left D.had left请具体说明理由。 1.The Whites were very poor at that time and ___ send their children to school.A.are not able to B.could not be able toC.cannot D.could not2.The train ___when they ___ to the railway station.A.left,had got B.left,gotC.had left,had got D.had left,got station the left got train when the had l to 帮我连成一个句子 she ran to the station only ______(find)that the train had left 2minutes before He hurried to the station only to find that the train had left翻译汉语