这几个英语句子有什么错误吗?dangerous is around us 危险就在我们身边 They across the road when the traffic light is in red 他们在红灯的时候过马路Let“s us raise the awareness 让我们提高意识

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 18:22:26
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in danger和in danger of有什么区别吗 这英语句子有错误吗I had difficult finding the keyhole.有错误不? 能帮我看一下这篇英语作文有什么错误吗?Now,the environment is badly polluted,and our Earth is in danger.The rubbish will pollute the environment,and it is harmful to our health.The greenhouse effect becomes worse,this will cause the s danger dangerous 有什么区别 用英语解释这几个句子有什么错误怎么解释啊,语言学的Jesus wept the apostles.Robert is hopeful of his children.Jack is fond that his children love animals 不言而发,这几个字有什么错误? of danger 和in danger有什么区别?---还有dangerous with danger 与in danger有什么区别 in trouble 和 in danger有什么区别吗? 在英语中,danger ; endanger,risk ,hazard 都是危险冒险的意思,在用法上有什么不一样吗? 在英语中,danger ; endanger,risk ,hazard 都是危险冒险的意思,在用法上有什么不一样吗? 英语有几个句子填空 帮忙用这几个英文单词造句子把这4个词造成一个句子:success,succeesful,successfully,succeed把这3个词造成一个句子:dangerous,in dangered,danger谢谢高手们了 我英语不是太好 When traffice light thrns yellow,we should run quickly.这句英语句子有什么错误?改正过来. we must take the lift downstairs when there is a fire.这句英语句子有什么错误?改正过来. 请问这句英语作文中的句子语法对吗The tigers are in extreme danger. 我是韩国人~帮我看一下这几个句子里面有没有语法上的错误~ 这几个英语句子可以这样说吗?1.Here are the results of the student get to school in my class这几个英语句子可以这样说吗?有错误的帮忙订正下,1.Here are the results of the student get to school in my class.2.Here are the