这几个句子哪里错了(English)1.He also learns to be brave and to do things he used to be afraid.2.at the end,they managed to pass the final examination.3.The girl failed in the exam ,that made us disappointed.4.how long have you bought this

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 21:47:02
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our teacher can say English.这个句子哪里错了? english哪里错了 帮忙看看这几个英语句子哪里错了?是过去式句子 1.They were ate grasses.2.I tried milked a cow. 这几个句子哪里错了(English)1.He also learns to be brave and to do things he used to be afraid.2.at the end,they managed to pass the final examination.3.The girl failed in the exam ,that made us disappointed.4.how long have you bought this he do speak English well.这句话哪里错了 I can'say English.这句话哪里错了 英语句子有错误,请指出.这句话到底哪里错了,难道是我眼花了?Jim is from England.He is an English. `She's too English哪里错了 Do you speak English?哪里错了? 英语句子改错 English is most widely spoken language all over the world .哪里错了,怎...英语句子改错 English is most widely spoken language all over the world .哪里错了,怎么改? This is my the first time in China.哪里错了?这个句子里“This”、“my first”、“in”这几个单词哪个用错了? 改正这2个句子的错误1.I knoe she won't come to join us unless she tell us to2.She taught English and gave an English-Chinese dictionary by Mr Wang哪里错了?要改成什么?还有原因, when you are learning English,you find foolish to translate an English book 这句话哪里错了 这两个英语句子错在哪里?1、Does your brother have a pet at your home?2、We all speak English in the English class? 这几个句子错在哪里(改病句)第三题 这两个句子错了嘛?错在哪里 1.The English boy can't speak Chinese and Japanese.哪里错了? She can speaks English very well.这句话哪里错了.