Agnostic identification什么意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 19:23:53
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platform agnostic Agnostic identification什么意思 device-agnostic是什么意思 英语翻译只知道不可知论是agnostic.有的地方翻译的Gnostic~是个学派吧.那个学派跟可知论有什么关系呀? 注明:括号相当于下划线,不知道怎么打下划线,用括号代替 1.[Error Identification] In (1930s),Las Vegas (passed) laws that (permit) people to get (married) quick and easily.A.1930s B.passed C.permit D.married2.[Error Identificat 英语翻译The results of this analysis confirm that stock-based acquirers have relatively high-advertising expenditures prior to the merger,whereascash-based acquirers do not.Finally,although we are largely agnostic about the meansby which ad 英语翻译The results of this analysis confirm that stock-based acquirers have relatively high-advertising expenditures prior to the merger,whereascash-based acquirers do not.Finally,although we are largely agnostic about the meansby which ad 不可知论什么 意思背单词遇见 agnostic 不知道什么意思.我没学过哲学 希望用浅显易懂的话解释下. 我没分数了.就没法给了.谢谢大家了. 英语翻译Due to the variety of data types (including unknown types),the database is designed to be data agnostic with data kept as an abstraction of time series.怎么翻译 麻烦你再帮我分析下这几句话吧!As the war continued and the casualty figures grew, he found a convinced agnostic faith that there was some divine purpose in the affairs of men, though he could not define or confine the deity within any Ch 英语翻译(1)Conan Doyle,Sir Author was born on May 11,1859 Edinburgh,Scotland.Despite being raised in an Irish-Catholic household,Conan Doyle emerged an agnostic.He studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh between 1876 and 1881 and opened a 英语翻译(1)Conan Doyle,Sir Author was born on May 11,1859 Edinburgh,Scotland.Despite being raised in an Irish-Catholic household,Conan Doyle emerged an agnostic.He studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh between 1876 and 1881 and opened a 英语翻译(1)Conan Doyle,Sir Author was born on May 11,1859 Edinburgh,Scotland.Despite being raised in an Irish-Catholic household,Conan Doyle emerged an agnostic.He studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh between 1876 and 1881 and opened a