她离开学校后做什么?what did she do after she school(leave)这个究竟填什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 18:54:31
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她离开学校后做什么?what did she do after she school(leave)这个究竟填什么 从句what she did意思what当先行词时表示她做的事吗?what不是先行词,表示她在做什么?请把第二个问号去掉 what' s后接什么词 What did you name?和What‘s you name?有什么差别? What did she do?她做了什么?可以不可以回答:(1)She wrote something.(2)She played the piano.(3)She read a book.(4)She sang a song.依次是她写了些东西,她弹了钢琴,她读了书,她唱了歌.语法上有没有错 else和others用法区别,什么叫做others不能做定语,不能放在疑问词后吗?比如:What ()did he say? 她有什么事?what’s( ) ( ) ( ) What should she have done?是她应该做了什么?还是 她应该要做什么?请指教~ what did you See怎样做回答 What did he do last night?他昨晚做了什么?看图回答问题. What did he do yesterday?昨天他做了什么? what did you do可以表示“你以前做什么工作吗” 英语翻译what did he say that he would do?他说他会做什么? 你们在学校必须做什么?What()you()()do in your school? 写出宾语从句 What did Kangkang’s mother ask ? What did Kangkang say ?写出宾语从句1.What did Kangkang’s mother ask ?2.What did Kangkang say ? 伞兵离开飞机后做自由落体运动 10s后张开降落伞 有经过20s以2m/s的速度着地.张开伞后做匀减运动求伞兵离开飞机时离地面的长度 -what did you say to your mother just now?-i ask her ____ she cooked for dinnerA.that B.if C,what 为什么选C.为什么不可以说是“我问她是否她做晚饭了” what's her name?她是谁?