Anyone may _____ a bad day.Two young thieves were walking in the street _____ a cold整篇完形填空要整篇完型答案

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 11:21:48
Rose's handwriting is better than _____.A.anyone else B.anyone's else C.anyone's else's D.anyone else's说明原因喔 Is there _____ in the room now,Lucy?A.other anyone B.someone else C.anyone else D.other someoneIs there _____ in the room now,Lucy?A.other anyone B.someone else C.anyone else D.other someone John _____ here tonight.A maybe B may C may come D may comes Anyone may _____ a bad day.Two young thieves were walking in the street _____ a cold整篇完形填空要整篇完型答案 _____ ,he slipped through the window.A.With anyone noticing B.With anyone noticedC.Without anyone noticing D.Without nobody noticed Anyone without _____ can't attend the meeting.A invitation B.invitations 为什么 Your English teacher _____ in office.A.maybe B.may is C.may be 1.I'm not sure she isn't coming,but I suppose_____.A.isn't B.won't D.not2.His father never gave him_____.A.may advice B.much advice3.Her work is better than____in the class.A.anyone's else B.anyone elses' C.anyone else's D.anyone else4.He shows It’s a secret.You _____ tell anyone about it.A.mustn’t B.must C.can D.needn’t ------_____ I go to the beach on Sunday,Mom?------Yes,you _____.A.Must;can B.May;may C.Need;need D.May;need You ______ right but _____ you are wrong.A.maybe maybe B.maybe may be C.may be may be D.may be maybe 1.Anyone ______this opinion may spesk out.A,that against B.which is against C.that is against D.who against正确答案是C2.They found the house _____last night and something valuable _____.A.broken into ,being stolenB.broken into ,stolenC.broken in The old man wanted to give the book to _____ wants it.A.who B.whicherver C.anyone D.whoever _____ that wins the election is going...A who B whoever C Anyone D no matter who _____ has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.A.Who B.The one C.Anyone D.Whoeve _____ of us is fond of music.A.anyone B.all one D.every one can i speak to _____ in charge of this supermarket.A.who B.whoever C.anyone may could表推测的可能性是如何选择?You_________walk for miles and miles among the hills without meeting anyone.A.must B.need C.may D.couldcould 和may 都表示推测,其区别?