i forget to bring a pen .would you lend me _____ A one Bthat C it D this

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 07:42:04
Are you going home?A Yes.I forget to bring my key .B No.I forget to bring my key. I forget _____ my dictionary.Can I use yours?A.to bring B.bringing Sorry,Dick.I forgot____your stamps to school.OH,where did you___it?A.to bring;leave B.to bring;forget C.bringing;leave D.bringing;forget ---I am sorry I _____my exerice book at home.----Don not forget __ it to school tomorrow,please.A.left; to bring B.forget ;to take C.forget ;to bring D.left;to take I am sorry I ______(forget) to bring your photos. Don't forget to bring your homework to school tomorrow A Ok I will.B Ok I won't ——I _____ to bring my homework.——Remember to bring it tomorrow.A.planned B.decided C.left D.forget写出原因. i forget to bring a pen .would you lend me _____ A one Bthat C it D this Please don't forget to bring your homework的回答.-Please don't forget to bring your homework tomorrow. -_______. A. No,I don't B.No,I won't C. That's OK D.Yes,I will 改错:Don't forget bring your homework to me tomorrow.A.Don't B.forget C.bring D.to me Don't forget to bring your English book here.A.bring B.take C.to bring D.to take Don't forget _____your homework to school tomorrow.A:taking;OK,I won't.B:to bring;OK,I won'tC:to take;OK,Iwill.D:bring;I will SORRY,i forget to ___my dictionary ,CAN you lend yours to me?这里空格应该是写A carry,B take C bring 还有~为什么BUT don't forget to bring it to school tomorrow可以用bring而不用take?bring不是意思是“带来”吗? I'm sorry I __ my exercice book at hoom.Don't forget __ it here tomorrow ,please.A、forgot;to take B、forgot;to bring C、left;to take D、left;to bring 选什么,本题考点是什么? A::Where is your science book?B:Oh,no!I forget ---it to school.这里的空该填to bring还是to take 英语祈使句的答语-Don't forget to bring your homework tomorrow?-_______.I'll bring it to you tomorrow.a.NO,I won't b.Yes,I will到底应该选哪个? do not forget to bring your camera回答i did 还是i do Don't forget to bring our lunch.的回答用I won't还是I will