If any one wants to say something in class,you _____put up your hands first A.must B.may C.should

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 22:14:45
xőNP_e7 rʏ@pvE @(6Q#Ĕa콽| Rif3jb7\E$k4TsZ(BQLI"$VUt?U@W $9K _ BY_J(AZ E/eŃJՄW׬N1>w.uܾl`AgVT==f\qJrb+FE0a{ƴ{G,W93NG|Tc/c?&ފ2"hg}CP wNB**MHMMI ]6WC/v+.\9EI`g/Jpi8GkDH~ C{i 5(ƧD_'*
If any one wants to say something in class,you _____put up your hands first A.must B.may C.should if one wants to visit the city,one must find one's own guide`if one wants to visit the city,one must find one's own guide这里ONE可以换成everybody吗 What must one do if he wants to learn another language well?What must one do if he wants to learn another language well? What must one do if he wants to learn another language well?如题 the sales manager wants to know _ there are any new markets in Asia.答案给whether,为什么不用if Sam wants to drink tea.Can you give him___ A some B any C one D it will,to,see,if,this,try,another,film,i,nobody,to,find,wants,one连词成句 【中考】题目可能有些出入、 Are there any new pens?The man wants to know.(两句并一句)The man wants to know ____ there _____ any new pens.我写的是 if ; are Every one wants to go to heaven,but no one wants to die.请翻译中文 Mike wants to know if there( ) a talk tommow.If there ( )one ,he will take part in itAwill be ,will be Bis,is Cwill be ,is Dis,is 求解释the boy wants to know if there are any things on the moonA.alive B,living C .live D .lived ,为什么选B呢 新概念一册第139课‘My wife wants to know if Mary needs any help.’中need为什么要加s? she wants to make friends with _shares her interest A whoever B any one C whomever D no matter who咋 is there any one who wants to learn Chinese in Beijing?i can be you teacher and my email:greatzhangqi@foxmail.com 英语翻译ANYone who wants to can call any timepiece a clock,but technically speaking,only whichever one rings out name,翻译 He wants to help others any time.He is h___. 一道语法题 The sales manager wants to know if there ___ any new markets in Asia.are 还是...一道语法题 The sales manager wants to know if there ___ any new markets in Asia.are 还是aren't 为什么不解释无法说服我们老师 to one w___ wants to see the country