改错.The goods were ordered last month haven't arrived yet.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 23:40:30
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改错.The goods were ordered last month haven't arrived yet. 这句话中,the goods were However We appreciate to have some document to supervise the goods location.(the delivery will be complicate and will take about 6 weeks).May be no need Packing list or invoice but some kind of notification the goods were their children could not read or write because they were too poor to send them to the school.改错 the goods Half of the party were foreigners改错. 改错:Were you enjoy the film? 英语翻译The declaration is to be lodged with the customs office where the goods were or will shortly be presented (Article 201 CCIP) 特别是那个CCIP最好别什么翻译工具翻译请你们自己翻一下 通顺点 Half his goods were from the supermarket.其中goods 翻译成什么A货物B好处C食品D奖品 half his goods ___stolen the other day为什么用were不用was (goods不是不可数的吗?) 英语翻译pushed convoys or side-by-side formations intended for the transport of goods or passengers 英语翻译The alternative is for the government to pay for long-livedcapital goods out of the tax revenues received in the year the goods were purchased. They were at the zoo at the first time 改错 All the food were on the table.改错! off the back of a lorry 这个是英文解释:goods that fell off the back of a lorry were probably stolen.People say or accept that they came ‘off the back of a lorry’ to avoid saying or asking where they really came from.有点看不懂啊 英语翻译MorningI meant when the goods will be ready or will be sent?^^ After the game,we were very tire.改错 Why were you air the room yesterday?改错急用 The films were in Su Hai bag just now.改错