名词性从句的一个题目“ What is that building?”“_____ the garden equipment is stored.”A.There’s in which B.That’s whereC.The building that D.That’s the building which选哪个,详细讲下为什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/08/01 02:27:24
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名词性从句WHAT的用法 名词性从句的一个题目“ What is that building?”“_____ the garden equipment is stored.”A.There’s in which B.That’s whereC.The building that D.That’s the building which选哪个,详细讲下为什么 一些名词性从句题目 what名词性从句和whatever名词性从句区别 名词性从句中的What和That的区别,详解. what与that引导名词性从句的练习 名词性从句中what和which的区别 关于what引导名词性从句,what在句中有实义吗?从句是一个不能单独成立的句子,那从句本意是只做修饰句吗? 关于名词性从句的题目...一 下列各句哪句含有名词性从句,并指出是什么从句.1)That is where LuXun used to live.2) He spoke as if he understood what he was talking about.3) I wonder why she refused my invitation.二 用适 名词性从句,what ,which 怎么选择 高中英语语法名词性从句题目 名词性从句中what与who的选择题目:He is ____ we called hacker.(大致是这样,原题貌似还挺有名的,我在多本书上看到)选项中有what和who,答案是选what.但是语法书说what和who都可以作代词引导名词性 【名词性从句】What I want to do right now is to sit down.是哪种名词性从句 名词性从句引导词的问题.()satisfies us most is that the little girl know () the difference lies.what,what.可我认为是 what,where. 名词性从句都要安正常顺序表达吗,比如:what he said was true.what did he said was true.是不是所有的名词性从句都要用第一个句子这样的表达方式? what 在名词性从句 引导的从句 该怎么翻译啊 what 引导的名词性从句,如何转化成定语从句 定语从句和名词性从句里面关系词“what”的用法,