这个句子有一处错误,请挑出来并改正.Which one is the most dangerous,the tiger or the lion?————

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 14:51:08
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这个句子有一处错误,请挑出来并改正.Which one is the most dangerous,the tiger or the lion?———— 古希腊时,由于民主政治发展到顶峰,外邦人在雅典城邦能参加公民大会参与决策并担任官职 这句话 有一处错误 挑出来并改正 You can call him up when you need help.这个句子有一处错误,请找出并改正 i think there will have more subways all over the world 这个句子有一处错误,请找出来并改正! What a sunny weather it is today请指出这个句子的错误并改正 请找出这个句子的错误,并改正:He come from Shanghai. (下列句子中均有一处错误,请找出并改正) 请读句子,找出错误(写序号),并改正. 小星改正并认识了错误 这个句子怎么修改 下列句子均有一处错误,挑出来并改正.1.Mary has most friends than Alice and Ann.____________________________________2.You must dance good if you want to be first place.___________________________________________3.Tom bought the many penc 下列句子每处均有一处错误,请挑出来并改正.1 You can't read on the sun. _____ 2 The little girl looks likes her mother. _____ 3 Jack is the tallest boys in his class. _____ 4 Tom is many taller than Peter 下列句子有一处错误,请找出并改正Jim plays the basketball in the morning. Does your friend has a soccer ball?句子中只有一个错误,请选出来并改正. I forgot to water the garden and watered it twice.请帮忙改正这个句子的错误并详解, They have been waited for twenty minutes.这个句子中有一处错误,请指出并改正我还没学现在完成时, 汉语:请看这张中国地图.下面这个英语句子有一处错误,请找出并改正.Please look this map of China.Please是A,look是B,this是C,China是D。ABCD那个错了?找出并改正 改错把错误的单词挑出来并改正Sam usually get up at 6 o'clock.Sam usually do his homework at home. 下列句子有一处错误,请改正并抄写正确的句子Lucy is over there.This is his bag.