三道初中英文题I---my clothes,and the phone rang.A.wash B.washed C.was washing D.is washig我们应该想想我们能做些什么来阻止动植物濒于灭绝.We should think about----------to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 04:51:14
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How provide I my to wityh food and children clothe连词成句快能给个靠谱点的答案吗? 三道初中英文题I---my clothes,and the phone rang.A.wash B.washed C.was washing D.is washig我们应该想想我们能做些什么来阻止动植物濒于灭绝.We should think about----------to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered. 初中三道填空题, The rain wetted through not only my clothe but my heart I love my mother land 初中作文 三道初中科学题给积分 初中三道选择题 三道初中英文题I wasn't _ with the knife ,I cut myself.1)A careful enough B carefully enough2)When are you going to see your uncle?_ next weekA some time B sometime C some times D sometimes改同义句He preferred beefHe _ beef_ I have five young children,// and now my wife has a baby girl // and I do not know where the money is to come from to feed and clothe them all./ We are very poor,/ and I fear I cannot work hard enough.考研咨询在线考研英语 将下列句子重新排列成完整的对话 急,今晚就要A( )Liu Tao,Are you going to school?( )Oh,dear!Where are my school clothe?I want to put them on.( )No,thanks,Mum.I have no time to have breakfast.I must go to schol now.( )There they a 首字母以给出,补全句子1.We are going to have a history t( ) next Tuesday2.-Do you have any p( ) for this Saturday-Yes,I'm going to visit Shanghai改为否定句3.My sister is going to buy some clothes tomorow.My sister ( ) buy ( ) clothe My father“s clothe store is _____ Shengli Street.A.in B.at C.rom D.on 三道初中计算题 三道初中计算题 初中的三道因式分解, 初中数学三题填空 解初二英语补全对话A:Hi ,Li Lei ,cone and1._______soccer with meB:sorry,I can't.I2.____ 3._______do some washing first.A:Oh,do you have to?You 4._______do it after supper.B:Well I'm afraid not.Yesterday my mother asked me to 5.______my clothe 英文作文:I lost my wallet